title: Fun from Above aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [ArtisticFox] id: [12362188] date: 星期五, 八月 26日 2022, 10:48:43 上午 modified: 星期三, 八月 31日 2022, 5:06:17 下午
Fun from Above
Author: ArtisticFox Source: Fun from Above.
“Where is it? Did you find it yet?”
“No not yet…”
Two winged creatures, pegesi, one of a crimson red coat, the other, a bright orange, flapped their wings to keep themselves levitated before the shelves that adorned the walls.
“Do you think he moved it?”
“No… wait… maybe? How would he have known?”
“He probably didn’t, just thought it’d be safer out of view.”
“It was here an hour ago; it must be around here somewhere. Keep looking.”
The crimson one was becoming slightly infuriated, beginning to knock objects off the shelf in search for her prize. The orange one quickly flew beside her, grabbing her hooves before she could make any more mess.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you’re being too loud. You don’t want him to-”
“Don’t want me to what?”
Both pegesi turned their heads to see a black stallion with a spiky, green mane running over the middle of his head.
“Jack! I… didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”
The crimson mare tried avoid eye contact, looking down at the base of the shelf instead of the stallion’s eyes.
“What are you looking for?” the black stallion enquired, lifting a brow and stepping closer to the flying mares.
“Nothing!” the orange one shouted. “We were just… cleaning your study for you…”
Her tail began to swish back and forth, slapping against the shelf and knocking over a few books. The look on Jack’s face showed that he wasn’t being persuaded. She was taller than Jack, but he was far stockier, and his stern glare made her feel like a filly.
“Thanks… for that… But I’ll be fine without your help.”
Dew Drop, a short grey unicorn, entered the room, carrying a pot with a violet shaded plant sprouting out from the dirt.
“You wouldn’t happen to have been looking for this now would you two?” Jack asked.
The mares stayed silent, trying to avoid looking at the plant as Jack walked between them.
“Next time you plan on using that, don’t look at it and grin while I’m standing right in front of you, Mai.”
Mai, the crimson pegasus, blushed, although with her crimson coated cheeks, it was hard to tell. She suddenly took off, flying through the open window and out of sight.
“Mai wait!” Jane, the orange mare shouted.
Jane took off too, flying through the window and leaving the stallions behind to laugh at their failed plans.
“Why did I let you talk me into this!?” Jane asked. Although Mai was the faster of the two, she lacked stamina, and it was easy for Jane to linger just a bit behind and wait for the crimson mare to tire out. Out of breath, Mai landed on the grass, rolling over onto her side and breathing heavily. Jane landed beside her, remaining on her hooves.
“I just thought it would be fun to play a game with them, that’s all. Jack acts like he hates it, but he loves being shrunk.”
“Well now they know what we were planning. They are probably going to use it on us.”
“Like you wouldn’t love Dew Drop being huge.” Mai snapped. Her back arched like a cat, and she rose as high as she could. Because Calamity Jane was far taller, she had to lean her head for them to be eye level. Jane snorted, rolling her eyes and looking around. They were in unfamiliar territory. A forest lay before them, not quite the dreaded Everfree Forest. Instead, it was a forest that looked plain, not dark or spooky.
“Maybe we can find a plant for ourselves?” Mai muttered. “Then I wouldn’t have to sneak into Jack’s house every time I wanted to play.” She started to venture into the forest, but her tail got snagged on something. She turned around to see Jane had bit onto her tail and easily pulled her back.
Jane rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re making me be the responsible one here, but we have no idea what forest this even is. I hate being the mature one,” she muttered.
Mai raised a hoof to her face and groaned as if she suffered a huge headache.
“We have wings, Jane, remember?” To emphasis her point, she took the sky, hovering in front of the orange pony’s face. “If we get lost, we fly above the trees and head back in the direction of the buildings.”
Jane opened her mouth to say something, but the words of the crimson mare sank in. After a moment’s contemplation, she nodded. “Half an hour,” she finally said. “I know Jack doesn’t mind getting shrunk, but if anything happened to his little valentine, he would probably throw a boulder at me.” Grumbling to herself, she muttered, “I hate being the mature one.”
Giggling to herself, Mai lead the way, walking directly into the forest. Jane followed a few steps behind, a bored look on her face. “We should have just done like I said,” she said.
“Chilli peppers on their cupcakes is hardly a prank worthy of pranksters at our tier,” Mai snapped. “We find Shrinking Violet, slip it to them, then have our fun. It’ll be brilliant!”
Jane shook her head. “I hate being the mature one.”
30 minutes were nearly up and they had found nothing but the usual, regular plants. The forest had become much darker as the trees became thicker, trunks bulging at the base as their roots grew over the dirt, entangling themselves with the roots of other trees.
“We’re not finding anything, Mai,” Jane said.
“Yeah alright, we’ll just see which way is out.”
Mai took to the air again, Jane following behind her. As Mai reached the canopy of the trees, she impacted it as if she had flown into a brick wall. She began to fall, tumbling through the air and unable to get her flight back. Jane let out a scream before Mai made contact with her, knocking her out of the air. Jane landed on her back, the impact damaging her wings. It didn’t help as the weight of the crimson mare added to the pain as she landed on Jane’s stomach, winding her in the process.
“Get off me!” Jane screamed. She kicked Mai off with her hooves and quickly rolled onto her belly to alleviate the pain in her wings.
“I’m sorry Jane! The trees were thicker than I thought; it just… knocked me back.”
Jane was trying to tend to her wings but without proper medical assistance, it was a useless endeavour. Dew Drop was good at this sort of thing. He’d be able to help her.
“Guess we’re walking out,” Mai said with a weak giggle. She leaned down under Jane and tried to lift her onto her hooves, ignoring the fact Jane was twice her size. By the furious look on Jane’s face, she was not pleased with the gesture.
Mai led the way again, Jane falling a little further back. Mai didn’t know if she was afraid, or afraid Mai would somehow trip and hurt her again. Perhaps, for now, she just wanted to keep her distance.
“We’ve been walking around for over an hour now! I told you we shouldn’t have gone in here,” Jane yelled.
Mai wanted to turn and yell at Jane, but considering her injuries and the fact that what she said was true, she decided against it.
There was a rustle in the bushes; it caused the two mares to jump back in fright, unsure of what may be lurking inside. Mai stepped a little closer, lowering her head closer to the ground and moving it closer to the bushes.
“Hello?” Mai asked, taking one more step closer. The bushes split open as a white object pounced out, leaping on Mai’s face. Her shrilling scream rang throughout the forest as she batted at the creature that had attached itself to her face.
“Mai! Calm down! It was just a rabbit.”
Mai stopped screaming and opened her eyes. The creature was no longer on her face. All that remained of it was a small glimpse of it running through the bushes on the other side of their path. Mai let out a sigh and collapsed on the ground. The bush she had first inspected burst open again as a much larger, orange creature ran across the path and into the same bush the rabbit had disappeared into.
Mai almost screamed again but managed to cover her mouth, should her scream attract this new creature’s attention.
“Jane? What was that?”
Jane crawled across the path towards the other bush and peeked over it, ever so slowly as to not reveal herself to whatever was on the other side.
“I think… it’s a pony?”
Mai got up and stood beside Jane, peeking over the bush at the creature. It was laying on its belly, it’s back to them as it bobbed its head in front of its body. The back of the creature did look like it was that of a pony’s, even its hind legs were hooves. There was even a Cutie Mark on its flank. What made it really confusing though was its tail. It wasn’t like Mai’s or Jane’s, long strands of hair, but it looked like it was a fleshy tail, covered in a big bush of fur.
“Excuse me?”
Mai’s eyes opened wide when she realized Jane was calling out for the stranger. Before she had a chance to pull Jane behind the bushes, the creature was on its hooves and facing them. It had big, green eyes, not green iris’ like other ponies, but dark green pupils with a light shade of green emanating from the pupils, out to the ends of the eyeballs. A large horn, protruded from its forehead and the features of its lean body and face made it obviously feminine.
“Oh! You’re a unicorn…” Jane stated, stepping out from behind the bush. “I was just wondering if you could he-”
Jane stopped when she noticed a white creature, stuck beneath the unicorn’s hoof. It struggled to get free but the unicorn just lifted her hoof, holding it in her sole as she threw it into her maw. It was a tiny creature but unmistakable, it was a rabbit, most likely the rabbit they had seen earlier except… much smaller.
The unicorn titled her head and swallowed, sending her prey down her throat to where she sends all her food.
“You know what? I think we’ll be fine on our own…”
Jane tried to walk back behind the bush but the unicorn was already walking towards her.
“They always run. What are you afraid of? That I’ll eat you too?”
Jane let out a cough, mixed of the thought of being scared or laughing at her face.
“We’re much too big for you to eat… right?”
Jane took a step back as the unicorn smirked; her horn glowed, enveloping Mai in the orange aura. Jane turned to see Mai for a second before she disappeared completely.
“Mai? Where’d you go?”
A little crimson bug began to fly up from the bushes, heading towards Jane. Under normal circumstances, Jane would have swatted it out of the air before it reached her, but she, unfortunately, knew what it was.
Mai landed on Jane’s snout, barely the size of her eye. Jane was trying to think, trying to wonder how she could get out of this before she too suffered the same fate as Mai. Before anything came to mind, Mai was picked up in an orange aura and pulled through the air, straight into the unicorn’s maw.
“No wait! Please… don’t eat her…”
The unicorn had started to tilt her head but stopped at the pegasus’ pleas.
Jane lay on the ground, bowing to the unicorn in the hopes it would listen to her. The unicorn trotted up to her, standing over her and grinned. Grabbing onto the pegasus and pulling her to her hooves, the unicorn leaned in and planted her lips onto hers, kissing her.
Jane pulled back as soon as she recovered from the shocking turn of events, stepping backwards away from the unicorn. As the unicorn smiled at her, she felt something squirm inside her maw. Spitting onto her hoof, she found Mai, coughing, drenched in both hers and the unicorn’s saliva.
“You two are fairly fun mares. I haven’t engaged with another pony in quite a while. My name is Artistic Pony, but you may call me Art for short.”
The unicorn trotted up to Jane who shuffled back whilst still holding Mai in her hoof.
“Relax darlings; I was only messing with you.”
Art’s horn glowed once more as Mai began to grow, causing Jane to drop her before she grew to full size on her hoof.
“So you’re not going to eat us?” Mai inquired, still a little traumatized by the experience.
“Didn’t you see me have my meal? I’m a fox pony, not a pig pony.”
She laughed a little at the inside joke but to the pegasi, it made sense. All those odd little features were that of a fox. The unicorn was part pony, part fox.
“Then… Why did you shrink me and shove me in your mouth?”
Art snorted, quickly placing a hoof to her lips, trying to hold back her laughter.
“It’s in my nature to trick others. Besides, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make a couple of new friends… unless of course I was hungry. Lucky for you two, I just ate.”
That didn’t comfort the pegasi much but it was better than being in her stomach right now.
“You… have shrinking spells?”
Jane asked, taking a little step closer.
“Why yes I do, part of my talent. Long story though, don’t want to bore you with all the details.”
Mai stepped up too.
“So… now that we’re all friends then… Would… you help us out of this forest?”
Art pointed her hoof to the left and took off running. Mai and Jane were not completely sure if they should trust her, but given their lack of choice, they too took off after her.
A few minutes later and the three off them were leaving the entrance of the forest and out into the clear.
“Glad to be out of there?”
Mai and Jane breathed a sigh of relief; finally out of the forest and now standing at its edge before the town.
“Thank you Art… it was… odd meeting you.”
Art wrapped her hooves around the two pegasi and hugged them tight.
“We should do this again some other time.”
Mai began to think, looking at Art’s horn and back at the town.
“You know what… I think we should do this again right now.”
“We got them good didn’t we?”
Black Jack sat at his desk, laughing loudly. Considering he was a big earth pony, his laughter was practically earth shaking. Dew Drop smiled and nodded. “I have to admit, it was nice to get Jane back, just this once. Where do you think she is though?”
“I saw Mai flying towards the forest. Probably looking for her own batch of Shrinking Violet. It’s a very rare flower though.”
There was a gentle knocking at the door, causing both stallions to turn and watch as it slowly swung open. Mai and Jane walked casually into the room, leaving the door wide open behind them.
“Have fun while you were out?” Jack asked. “Find any interesting plants?”
“Actually…” Mai giggled.
“We found something better,” Jane finished as the two stepped aside, allowing the orange unicorn to walk between the two mares.
“So… you two must have been the stallions these mares were talking about earlier.”
Jack and Dew Drop stared at the unicorn, getting to their hooves while Jack stepped around from behind the desk.
“I’m sorry but who are you?” Dew Drop asked, his head tilting a little to the right.
“Artistic Pony but you should call me, Miss Art.”
Jane placed her hoof on Art’s shoulder. Art turned to meet her gaze and Jane gave her a gentle nod.
“So… You two think you’re both a pair of big ponies, making fun of a couple of young mares like that?” Her horn began to glow, surrounding the stallions as their size began to dwindle. “You don’t look that big to me.”
Art stepped back, allowing the pegesi to step forward. Mai lifted her hoof, lowering it quickly on Jack before he had a chance to react. Jane wasn’t far behind, scooping up Dew before he knew what had happened.
“Thank you Art.” Mai began to rub her hoof down on Jack, smiling at his struggles under her soft sole. “Oh, I forgot to ask. When will this wear off?”
Art stepped up between them again and places her hoof around Mai’s neck. “It doesn’t wear off; I’ll have to grow them back. Unless, of course, you don’t want me to.”
Jane lowered her own hoof, dropping Dew on the ground and pinning his tail beneath the tip of her hoof. “So we’ll just call you when we’re done with them then?”
Art smiled, not at the tiny pony trying to pull his tail from under the orange hoof, but at the two mare’s utter cluelessness. “Oh I’ll be right here watching. It’s quite the show, watching a couple of mares use their stallions for their own personal use… It’s turning me on just thinking about it.”
Art shuddered for a moment, quickly taking a breath and exhaling slowly. She turned and walked to the corner by the door, turning back to the mares and sitting down, watching intently.
Mai lifted her hoof, not expecting Jack to bolt out from under, taking off towards the door. He had darted from between her legs, causing her to look between them until she fell forward, rolling onto her back.
“Hold it there little guy.”
Art’s tail swooped down from above, curling around the tiny stallions’ hind leg and lifting him from the ground before he could dive under the door.
“You must really take better care of your toys, Mai. Wouldn’t want them to get away from you.”
The unicorn rose and walked up beside Mai, lifting her tail above her crotch and letting the stallion drop. Mai let out a quiet gasp as Jack made contact with her exposed sex, sinking a hoof or two between the folds of flesh.
As the fox pony returned to her corner, she watched as Jan stood up, picking up Dew by the tail with her lips and leaned down to Mai’s face.
Mai opened her own maw slowly; sure it was what Jane wanted. Jane let go of her own toy, letting him fall into Mai’s maw before it snapped shut, the clack of her teeth being the only noise apart from his scream as he fell.
Jane gave her a smile and turned around, her own face between Mai’s thighs and her thighs just above Mai’s face. Mai lifted her hooves, holding Jane’s mid-section and slowly pulled her closer. Their bellies and chests were the first to touch, soon followed by each other’s snout. Jane’s snout pushed down on Jack’s back, pushing his hooves down into Mai’s nether region.
Mai worked Dew Drop through her maw, swishing him around between her tongue and teeth, eventually dropping him on the tip of her pink muscle. Opening her maw, she extended her tongue, driving it deep into Jane’s crotch, Dew Drop and all.
Jane let out a soft scream, loud enough for Jack at his size to hurt his ears. Not wanting to disappoint Mai, Jane’s tongue too escaped her lips, running along what was still exposed of Jack, coating him in her sticky saliva. Once sufficiently coated, she pressed her nose to him again, pushing him further in.
Now it was Mai’s turn to squeal, her maw opening wide before her hooves grabbed hold of Jane’s soft rump, pulling it down on her face as her maw completely engulfed Jane’s wet sex. Mai sucked deeply on the exposed flesh, thrashing her tongue against it and doing whatever she could to please Jane whilst keeping Dew Drop as deep inside as possible.
Jane was shaking, the feeling Mai was giving her was unlike anything she had experienced before. She tried to hold it, but as she continued to nuzzle her face between Mai’s legs, it only made her all the more closer. She no longer could hold it back. A force made its way through Jane’s crotch, causing her to shake in pleasure as her orgasmic juices exploded from her sex, flowing in only one area, Mai’s maw.
Mai felt her mouth quickly fill with the sweet tasting fluids of her friend’s sex, but the flow was more than she could have expected. She quickly opened her throat, swallowing the huge mouthful before she either choked or spat it all over her face and Jane’s rear. She gulped the remaining juice as it leaked into her maw after her first swallow. It was an odd feeling the second time, she felt a tickle in her throat as it travelled down, almost like something was in there.
The feeling of fluster filled Mai as she felt Dew Drop squirm down her throat, disappearing into her empty stomach. The feeling of something alive, wiggling inside her, it was quite the feeling, enough of a feeling to push herself over the edge.
Jane was in the midst of kissing Mai’s crotch, each kiss pushing Jack further and further inside. Even after her orgasm, she saw no reason to stop when Mai was still in progress. It came as a sudden shock when Mai’s sex parted, releasing her own orgasm onto Jane’s nose.
It took her by surprise, making her jump back into a sitting up position, her rear landing on Mai’s face. Before she could cause Mai any harm, Jane rolled onto her side, rolling off Mai as she panted, her thighs soaked in her juices and a tiny pony lying on the base of her tail, breathing heavier than the mares.
As Mai still tried to catch her breath, Jane faring no better, Art stepped away from the corner, standing over Jack between Mai’s legs and leaned down, grabbing him by his hoof between her lips. She walked over to Jane, circling her to stand between Jane’s legs as she lowered her face down between them, dropping Jack on the base of her tail instead.
With a gentle nudge of her snout and Jack sapped strength to resist, Art pushed Jack face first into Jane’s tail hole, eliciting another moan of pleasure. This was the answer Art needed to proceed as she released her tongue, pressing into Jack’s rear, forcing him deeper inside.
Soaked with Mai’s juices and some of Art’s saliva, Jane easily clenched at the feeling of the bulk in her rear, causing her anus to squeeze Jack until he slipped the rest of the way inside himself.
Jane moaned again, feeling his weak struggles inside her rear as Mai felt the struggles of Dew Drop within her own gut.
Art watched as the mares squirmed a bit more on the ground, eventually too exhausted to keep their eyes open and drifting off to sleep.
Jane’s eyes soon fluttered open, just now awakening from her last adventure. Odd though that she could no longer feel anything tucked away in her rump. Beside her, Mai was still asleep until Jane nudged her with her hoof. A snort and a quick sit up from Mai showed she was now fully awake.
“I see you’re back with us.”
The pegesi quickly looked up, seeing Art standing above them, as tall as they had been to Jack and Dew Drop.
“You shrunk us? Why?” Mai shouted, getting to her hooves and trying to fly up.
Art replied by quickly placing her hoof over Mai and pressing down on her, pushing her back to the ground.
“Nothing personal girls… I just like to cause mischief.”
“That she does…”
The shrunken mares turned to the door to see Jack and Dew, back to their normal size walk into the room.
“You guys were out for so long, I managed to... extract your friends,” Art smiled.
Jack stepped closer, leaning down to the mares, an angry look spread across his solemn features.
“I guess it’s our turn now huh?”
Art giggled and returned to the corner, turning back to the stallions and sitting down, watching intently.