title: 'Little, Big Sisters' aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [ArtisticFox] id: [13148843] date: 星期五, 八月 26日 2022, 10:48:43 上午 modified: 星期三, 八月 31日 2022, 5:22:04 下午
Little, Big Sisters
Author: ArtisticFox Source: Little, Big Sisters.
“Twi’? How’s that potion comin’ along?”
Applejack asked as she walked into the basement of the library, peering through the door and down to the base of the stairs where Twilight was working quietly.
Twilight stood at the desk in her lab, focused on her vials as she slowly tilted one over a beaker. Moving as slowly as she could, watching as the liquid moved millimetre but millimetre, Twilight’s tongue began to curl around her lip as she concentrated, letting a single droplet drip into the beaker. A cloud of white smoke blew out from the beaker, blasting Twilight in the face, causing her to stumble backwards.
In the panic of the moment, her magical grip lost hold of her vial, dropping the fragile instrument, allowing it to shatter across the floor, spilling the liquid inside amongst the mess of glass shards.
“Shoot!” Twilight exclaimed, jumping back from the shattered glass, not wanting to step on any shards or the liquid itself.
Applejack hurried down the steps to Twilight’s aid. “You alright sugarcube?”
Applejack stopped dead in her tracks as Twilight’s purple aura had caught her just before she stepping into the mess on the floor. Lifting her over the shards, Twilight dropped her beside her, out of harms way.
“Be careful with that, you don’t want to step in that.”
“What? Glass? Ah never been afraid to step in somethin’ so fragile.”
“No, not the glass, the chemical. In a container, its perfectly harmless but touching something living could have dire consequences.”
“So why were you using that stuff then if it’s so dangerous?”
“By using a single drop, I could use other chemicals to control it’s random reactions into something beneficial, such as, shrinking your weeds so to tiny sizes that they have no effect to your orchid.”
The glass shards on the ground all became enveloped in a purple aura as they were lifted from the ground, drops of the chemical dripped off a few of the bigger pieces. Bringing closer a biohazard bin, Twilight deposited the glass into it, levitating over a towel to wipe up the chemical itself, cleaning the floor before depositing that too in the bin.
“Luckily I have more of the chemical. I fear my dosage might have been a tad too little to have any effect to control”
“Wouldn’t it be dangerous to use in a spray though?”
“In a way, yes, that’s why with science, I can modify it to react only to weeds and remain harmless to ponies. But that takes some precise calculations.”
Twilight turned back to her table and began to tip other vials into the beaker, stopping occasionally to stir the concoction. Applejack, thinking it best not to disturb her, let herself out as she exited the basement and then the library itself, heading back home to the farm.
Twilight pulled a pot with a weed in it closer to herself. Lowering a Pipette into the beaker, she filled it up, hovering over the weed and letting a single drop spill onto the weed. Slowly the drip slipped down the stem, reaching the earth beneath and was absorbed into it, but the weed was not affected.
More of the chemical was needed. Twilight lifted the vial over the beaker, concentrating, careful to only allow a few extra drops.
The loud bang of the basement door that was swung open so carelessly as Spike entered, scaring Twilight for obvious reasons. The sudden scare caused her to tip too far, letting a fair bit spill into the beaker. Much like the first time, a cloud blasted from the beaker, but due to the quantity of the chemical added, white smoke just kept on blasting out the beaker like the whistle of a steam train.
The room began to fill with smoke, making it hard to see or breathe. There was a small window open at the base of the tree trunk of the library which was decent for small smoke clouds, but the beaker was producing more than the window could handle, causing the room itself to become nothing but a white nowhere.
“Spike! Open the all the doors and windows as fast as you can!”
Spike turned around, running through the library, opening the front door, the window beside it and charging up the stairs, opening the door to the balcony and all the windows around. The smoke had managed to reach the upstairs too, but as it began to blow through the open windows, it began to thin out.
Spike tried making his way back to Twilight, it was thin up stairs but as he made his way down, it got a little thicker. Without being able to see, he missed a step, tumbling over the last couple of steps to the ground floor. As he made his way into the basement, the smoke was still so thick he couldn’t even see his claw in front of his face.
Carefully, he stepped down the stairs, taking care not to trip again. Finally reaching the basement floor, he walked through the smoke, slowly as to not walk into anything important.
“Twilight? You still down here”
All he heard was a ‘squeak’ before he took another step, feeling something touching his foot as his sole flattened to the ground.
“Rarity!?” How much longer do we have to hang around here?”
Sweetie Belle was laid out across the chair as the Lotus, the spa pony tended to her hooves, much to Sweetie Belle’s dismay. As she grinded the file against Sweetie’s young and tender hooves, Aloe was pampering Rarity’s as they lay in front of her, cucumbers covering her eyes.
“We are not, ‘hanging around’. We are treating ourselves to a day at the spa. You should be so lucky to be able to join me at such a young age. Mother was not one for spas and fillies aren’t allowed in unsupervised.”
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and looked back down at the pony that groomed her hooves. It was an odd feeling to have somepony grinding a file against something like her hooves. She loved to spend time with her sister, but rather they did something, fun. Some aspects of Rarity, Sweetie Belle strived to be, but pampering herself was not one of them.
“Can’t we do something fun after this? Like go to the park? Oh! We could play Hide and Seek.”
“Play in the park? Just after a hooficure… are you quite alright dear? Do you have a fever?”
Sweetie crossed her hooves, beginning to pout a little. As Lotus began on her other hoof, she quickly pulled them back up into her body and rolled off the chair, getting to her hooves.
“I never wanted a hoof cure. I just wanted to spend some time with my sister.”
“Firstly, it’s called a hooficure, not a hoof cure. Secondly, we are spending time together; I don’t see why you’re not enjoying yourself.”
Sweetie Belle let out a growl and stamped her hoof. “Because we always do things you want to do. Sometimes after we do something I want to do, I don’t mind doing something you want to do but you never want to do something I want to do after we do something you want to do!”
“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity sat up, pulling the cucumbers from her eyes. “You shouldn’t shout at your older sister, especially out in public.”
Sweetie Belle stood up on her hind hooves, stamping her fore hooves down on the ground together. “Oh big surprise, using your position as the ‘older’ sister to get what you want, maybe I’ll just go spend time with my friends who actually will do something fun!”
She began to storm off, walking way in a fuss rather than run, but her short legs made the walk all the more longer to endure, taking a little something from the intense moment.
Sweetie Belle pushed the door open, turning to Rarity and lifting her snout with a “Hmmf!” before turning around and trotting out. Rarity’s cheeks began to turn a shade of red. The two spa ponies stared at her, unsure what to do or say. Rarity took notice of their pause and smiled.
“Sorry about that. She doesn’t understand the fine art of grooming just yet.”
The two owners exchanged looks for a moment before Aloe went back to grinding Rarity’s hooves while Lotus packed up her equipment from her short session with Sweetie Belle.
Outside, Sweetie Belle stood just out the front of the door, wondering if she should turn back or not. I quick replay of what happened in there in her head convinced her to turn away. As she walked out into the street, she saw down one way had become all foggy. A white mist was making its way down the street and it was quite thick. Fortunately, Sweetie Belle wasn’t heading that way as she turned to the opposite direction and took her leave.
Down by the park, as ponies walked along the paths, an odd sound began to ring in their ears. Some chose to ignore it whereas others turned to the sound. Those that did turn were able to jump out of the way in time before an orange filly blew past them on her scooter, swerving around those who chose to ignore the beats of her wings that gave her scooter motion.
The orange mare dodged walkers, joggers and runners alike. She avoided objects such as park benches and bins and jumped broken tree branches. She turned the next corner, one with a very sharp turn. She swung the handles around, running along the edge. The two wheels on the inner turn began to lift as the other wheels ran along the path, narrowly avoiding tipping.
The turn was almost completed before something caught the orange pegesi’s eye. A twig was directly in her path. It was impossible to bypass it on the path by turning sharper, she would defiantly tumble. Loosening the turn would run her right off the path. Taking the risk, she rose for the twig, hoping best case scenario that it just snaps under the wheels.
Wheel hit, causing a sudden stop to the scooter’s momentum. The orange filly flew from her scooter, heading head first for the path ahead. She braced for impact but instead caught a slightly winding blow from her stomach. When she took in her surroundings, she found herself caught by a cyan pegasus. The pegasus landed, letter the orange mare down onto her own hooves.
“Whoa, easy there Squirt. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself now would we?”
Scootaloo blushed a bit but looked up to her hero. “Do you have to keep calling me Squirt?”
Rainbow Dash let out a little laugh and rubbed her hoof across Scootaloo’s head. “Of course I do Squirt. You’re tiny.”
Scootaloo pushed the hoof away and took a step back. “It’s only because I haven’t grown up yet.”
“You’re never gonna grow up if you don’t eat your vegetables.”
A sigh escaped the orange filly. This was just another way for Rainbow Dash to tell her to eat her vegetables again. As a kid, it was just her way to avoid eating them at any costs.
“But they’re so… disgusting.”
“Well duh. Things that are good for you are always hard to do. That’s why if it tastes bad, it’s probably good for you.”
Scootaloo’s eyes rolled in her head. “But I don’t want to.”
Rainbow Dash stood up straight, giving Scootaloo a very serious look. “We might not be biological sisters. But I will take care of you like we were and that means, making you eat your vegetables.”
Now Scootaloo could understand why Applebloom and Sweetie Belle could fight with their sisters so often. It was annoying to be talked down to, forced into doing things, just because she was younger. She trotted over to her scooter, picking it up and hopping back on.
“Don’t be late for dinner tonight. We’ll be having steamed vegetables.”
Rainbow Dash called out behind her before taking off into the air. Scootaloo needed to relax, the breeze in her mane wasn’t enough and she needed to see her friends. She headed out the park, turning towards Sweet Apple Acres. Looking behind her, she could see a white fog progressing through Ponyville and a little blue blur heading towards it.
“Mornin’ Applejack…”
“Mornin’ sis!”
Applebloom strolled into the kitchen, yawning from just now waking up. Applejack was already making breakfast after a quick harvest of the apples. She placed a plate of toast down on the table to which Applebloom took the respective seat behind, letting out another yawn before sleepily biting into the rough crust.
“Didn’ ya get any sleep?”
Applebloom replied with another yawn. “Ah tried… but we were up all night crusadin’”
There was a low creak that rang out in the silence, but it was quickly dismissed.
“What were you crusadin’?”
“We were up at Sugar Cube Corner, tastin’ cakes. We were gonna be food critics.”
The creak started up again, this time a little louder, gaining the attention of Applejack but Applebloom was much too tired to have noticed.
“Do ya hear that Applebloom?”
“Hear what?”
Not sooner had she had finished her question than did the chair Applebloom sat on fall out from underneath her, dropping her to the ground as the chair crumbled to several pieces.
Applejack ran for her sister, quickly helping her up.
“You ok sis?”
Applebloom looked around at her body, not seeing any scratches or bruises. “Yeah, I think I’m alright.”
Applejack’s face began to change from the serious look she had to one trying to contain her laughter. It didn’t last long before she burst out laughing at her sister’s fall. Applebloom, now wide awake didn’t much appreciate it.
“Sorry Applebloom but that was just much too funny. Maybe it was all them cakes you ate yesterday, made your rump too heavy for the chair.” Applejack broke into laughter again, trying to prevent tears from rolling.
Applebloom’s face turned a shade of crimson as she stamped her hoof on the ground.
“My rump is not big! And even if it were, I’m still not as heavy as you are, it was just old.”
Applejack stopped laughing and took a deep breath, calming down. “Sure, it was an old chair, bound to break someday. But you’re the one who broke it!” She broke into laugher again, stamping her hooves as she chuckled.
Applebloom stormed past her sister, heading for the club house on the other side of the orchid.
“Hey sis! Be careful. That clubhouse is a might old, you might break it!” Applejack fell onto the ground, laughing again as Applebloom’s face glowed a darker red as she took to a gallop through the trees.
It wasn’t long before Applebloom was climbing the ramp to the Crusader’s club house. As she took a step onto the ramp, a creak rang out, causing Applebloom to become embarrassed for a moment and took to another gallop the rest of the way. As she reached the top, she could see over some of the orchid, far in the distance, a white fog rolling up in her direction and between the trees, bother Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, trotting towards her.
Finally, now she didn’t have to deal with her big sister for a while.
“And then she said, ‘You shouldn’t shout at your older sister.’ Can you believe her?”
“You think that’s bad, I’ve got to eat those green stuff that nopony else wants.”
“Applejack made fun of my butt… said it was too big.”
The other two fillies looked over Applebloom’s shoulder at her rear and then back at theirs.
“It doesn’t look any different to ours.”
“Exactly, that chair was just old, anypony could have broken it.”
As the trio continued to bicker about who had the worst sister, they all failed to notice as the windows became shrouded in white smoke, hiding any visibility of the outside world.
“Forget them girls. We have some Crusadin’ to do.”
The other two agreed in unison and began the charge out the door, into the nothingness.
As the three left their clubhouse, they were met with white fog, clouding their vision, unable to see the tree all around them.
“What do we do? We could get lost in this fog.”
“I got it!” Came the squeaky voice of the white unicorn as she ran back inside, returning a moment later with rope. She tied one end around her waist and began to tie the middle of the rope around Scootaloo’s.
“Oh I get it. Now we can’t get separated.”
Sweetie Belle nodded as she proceeded onto Applebloom, tying the end of the rope to her waist. Steadily, Sweetie Belle led the other two down the ramp of their club house, taking it slowly as she was unable to see the ramp below her.
Unfortunately, she missed the turn of the ramp and stepped too casually over the end, causing her to tumble forward, tugging the rope and bringing the other two with her.
“That’s it. I’m leadin’”
Applebloom began to trot in the direction she was sure was ponyville, narrowly avoiding the orchid trees as she went, once in a while unable to dodge it at its close proximity.
“I think we’re here… maybe?”
The trio came in close, close enough to see each other as they looked around, trying to see where they were.
“Are we in Ponyville?”
“I’m not sure… But the ground is a lot rockier than I remember.”
The fog began to thin, the shadows of the surrounding area started to become visible. It was only a few more seconds before the fog had cleared entirely, dissipating into nothing. It revealed that the girls were in fact in Ponyville.
“Told ya I’d get us here.”
“Finally…” Sweetie Belle sighed loudly, untying the rope from her waist and walking off, stepping on another rock. “There’s rocks everywhere!”
Sweetie Belle lifted her hoof, looking down at the shaky, green rock.
“Girls… when did rocks shake?”
“When there’s an earthquake…”
“Ok… well when were rocks green?”
The other two walked over to Sweetie Belle, the three of them circled around the green rock. Scootaloo reached out, tapping it, rolling it over. The rock rolled over and spread its hooves out.
“What is that thing?”
Applebloom leaned in closer, taking a closer look.
“It looks like a pony… but, smaller…”
The green coloured pony seemed to be tossing around, rolling back onto its hooves but failed to get far before Sweetie Belle scooped it up on her hoof. She inspected it closely, but all she could make out was the cutie mark it bore was yellow.
“Oh no… Figures we’d have to share with you three.”
The Cutie Mark Crusaders all turned to the pink filly that just turned around the corner, followed by a grey one. The pink one seemed to be sucking on a piece of candy as well as sporting some metal shoes on each hoof, the same as the grey one.
“The town gives us a gift for gracing them with our presence you three had to crash the party.”
“What are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked the question but the other were just as confused as she was.
Diamond Tiara swallowed her candy and gave them a menacing grin. “Isn’t it obvious, the town left for the day and left behind tiny versions of themselves for us to play with.”
Sweetie Belle looked down at the pony she held and looked closer at it. It seemed scared. “I don’t think these are copies of themselves…”
Diamond Tiara just scoffed, quickly followed by Silver Spoon who followed suit. “Of course they are. How else could a pony be so small, or the fact that they’re all small, except for us fillies.”
It was then the fillies noticed that many other fillies now ran the streets, some where chasing a few tiny ponies across the roads, others were using them like a ball, throwing them to each other and some were just collecting them into a satchel.
Diamond Tiara took a step forward, stomping the ground and twisting her hoof in her shoe. “They’re so soft on the sole and…” She snatched up the pony in Sweetie Belle’s hoof and tossed in into her maw, immediately sucking on it like the one before. “…So tasty.”
She finished by swallowing it whole before turning to leave, leaving the Crusaders confused and slightly sick.
“Are they really for us to play with?”
“I don’t think so… but Diamond Tiara did make some sense… why would they all be so small and not us?”
“I think we should head back for the clubhouse, but first I just wanna check on my sis.”
“Me too… I better go see if I can find Rarity.”
“And Rainbow Dash.”
“Alright, so we go find our sisters and meet back up at the club house in ten.”
The Cutie Mark Crusaders all huddled around in a circle, a tiny version of their sisters in the middle, surrounded by their giant forms. Sweetie Belle gently lifted Rarity on her hoof, studying her. Scootaloo lowered her head to get a better look. Applebloom sat there, looking from afar, as if expecting her tiny Applejack to do something.
“What do we do?”
“I don’t know but it was lucky I got to the spa in time. Some fillies were stomping on any of them they could find. I found Rarity hiding under a towel.”
“I almost thought Rainbow Dash was a fly, buzzing around me when I was searching for her in town. I almost swatted her.”
“Well Winona was sniffing around the farm. I think she was hungry and looking for something to eat.”
“Good thing they’re not real… right?”
“I don’t know, I mean… why would they be tiny but not us?”
“Should we do what Diamond Tiara said?”
As the three looked closely at their tiny sisters, it was Applebloom who was first to lean down, grasping Applejack’s upper body between her lips, slurping her completely inside. There was movement from behind her yellow cheeks before the orange pony forced its way back out, slipping out to her waist before dangling helplessly over her lip.
Little squeaks could be heard but much too inaudible for the trio to understand. Sweetie Belle next fed her tiny Rarity between her lips, sealing her lips over the white unicorn’s neck, her flailing body lying across her captor’s tongue.
Scootaloo’s head was still down by the ground, her eyes focusing on her two friends as they suckled on their tiny treats. Her eyes quickly moved to the tiny blue pegasus on the ground before her. I grin crossed her lips and the pegasus immediately opened her wings. She was too slow for the giant orange filly as she snapped her lips forward, catching the pony’s upper body in her mouth. Its blue hooves kicked against her lower lip, trying to push itself back out.
Sweetie Belle’s face scrunched up a bit before quickly lowering her head, spitting the tiny pony back onto the ground. “They taste disgusting!”
Applebloom grabbed her one and pulled it out of her lips, leaving a trail of saliva from the pony’s hooves to her lips. “They’re not that bad.”
Scootaloo was looking down at the wiggling rump in front of her nose and casually slurped it inside, swishing it between her cheeks. She flicked it to one cheek and held it there for a moment to speak.
“Not too bad at all.”
Scooping it up on her tongue, she tilted her head and swallowed, allowing the lump a straight passage towards her stomach. It gave Scootaloo a surprisingly warm feeling that sent shivers down her spine.
“Much better than eating vegetables.”
Applebloom looked back down at hers and grinned. “It would be nice to be able take out some revenge on Applejack, even a tiny version of herself.”
Applebloom lowered her hoof to the ground, letting the wet mess of a pony to slide onto the ground as she got up, walking over the orange pony. Her giant hooves sent tremors with every step, each one a threat to Applejack’s life. But it wasn’t the hooves she had to worry about.
Once the yellow pony had walked over her completely, her red tail lifted, revealing her rump. “Now who has a big flank?” Applebloom legs buckled, dropping her rump with incredible speed onto the orange earth pony.
The yellow cheeks slammed onto the wooden floorboards, making them creak under the sudden pressure but it quickly subsided, seeming like nothing had happened.
A giggle escaped her as her rump began to wiggle side to side, smothering the tiny pony between her cheeks. Soon satisfied, Applebloom got to her hooves, a little shaky from the slight pain in her rump from falling on it so hard.
When she turned to claim her sister again, she found nothing but the bare floor. Sweetie Belle looked over and scanned the ground. “Where is she?”
Applebloom’s ears perked up as she looked over at her rear, a pleasurable sensation tickling it. “I know where she is…” She sat back down, wiggling her hips, a very satisfied smile across her lips.
Sweetie Belle looked down at her tiny Rarity before back at her friends. Scootaloo was on her back, playing her belly like a drum. Applebloom was focused on her rear as she continued to wiggle it.
Her view fell on her sister again, her hoof lifting to her face as she looked at her sole and back to her sister once more. “Diamond Tiara said they’re soft on the soles…”
Her hoof lowered, dropping on the white unicorn. It began to run, trying to escape the descending hoof but Sweetie Belle’s size made her much too fast for it. Her hoof pinned Rarity to the ground, smothering her in the soft sole, it enveloped her like a soft, plush pillow.
Even as it surrounded her, above the hoof was the body of a giant whose strength put much undesirable pressure on the tiny unicorn. Sweetie Belle squealed in delight at the great feeling in her hoof. Getting onto all four, she took a step forward.
As her hoof hit the peak of her stride, the tiny unicorn fell from her sole, hitting the ground and not getting back up. Rarity tried to move, but much of her strength was gone from the pressure from one hoof of a small filly.
Sweetie Belle frowned. She wanted to walk with her new insole, but she needed something to keep it attached. She didn’t own any fancy metal shoes like Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. As she searched the club house, she saw the pile of fabrics and clothing she had taken from Rarity’s boutique.
Using her new ability to control her magic, she levitated a pair of purple and pink striped socks from the pile, rolling onto her rump and dropping one beside her sister. She lifted one hind hoof into the air, using her magic carefully to pull it tightly over her hoof, giving it a little wiggle before lowering it to the ground again.
Lifting her other hoof, she levitated the sock up straight, picking up her sister with her fore hooves and gently dropped her into the open sock. She saw the sudden bounce at the sole of the sock, only giving her another giggle as she fed it over her last hoof.
Fully on, Sweetie Belle got to her hooves, looking back at her hind hooves, lifting one after another and giving them a shake in mid-air. As she began to walk, she felt the soft step of her Rarity sole, but the hard floor on her other.
“Girls? Can we go out and get some more?”