title: A Tangled Mess aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [ArtisticFox] id: [42376120] date: 星期五, 八月 26日 2022, 10:48:43 上午 modified: 星期三, 八月 31日 2022, 3:47:00 下午


A Tangled Mess

Author: ArtisticFox Source: A Tangled Mess

“Ya know you shouldn’t be messing with Whisper’s Wisp.”

“I’m not messing with the Wisp, I have a theory that Wisps aren’t limited to the one power they posses but in fact have access to multiple different powers that just happen to be dormant in them. Besides, I asked Whisper already.”

Tails was running a couple of tests on Whisper’s cyan wisp, turning to examine the results on the monitor behind him. Tangle was hanging around, quite literally as she held herself up by her tail from the pipe work in the roof of Tail’s lab.

“Is there a reason you’re hanging around by the way?”

“I’m keeping an eye on my girl Whisper’s buddy here, just in case you decide to go Frankenstein on him.”

Tails returned to his monitor, inputting some data as a nearby machine turned on and began to hum as it worked.

“What’s that machine doing?”

“It’s compiling the data I inputted to create a concoction that should help this Wisp unlock its latent powers.”

“Hang on; I think you should talk with Whisper before you start giving Cyan anything. Let’s go see her, but first…”

Tangle dismounted from the roof, flipping in the air and landing on her feet as her tail retracted to its usual length.

“Hanging upside down builds up a thirst, Gimme a moment.”

As Tangle left, the machine beside Tails dinged, signalling the completion of its process. Opening it up, Tails retrieved a small vial with a mixed, rainbow like fluid inside.

“Quick, drink this before Tangle returns.”

Passing it to Cyan, the Wisp held it for a moment, sniffing it a bit before pressing the opening of the vial to its face, tilting the vial and draining the liquid into itself. A rainbow of colours flashed through its body before returning to its usual cyan colour.

“How do you feel?”

Cyan just shrugged as Tails turned back to his computer to examine the data.

“You should have noticed something… Perhaps if you were to try and use yourself with me.”

Tails reached out and touched Cyan.

“I got a couple of drinks, thought you might want one too.”

Tangle shouted as she returned, finishing off her can as she tossed a can over the table to Tails, only to land on the floor behind the table.


Tangle looked around, finding the lab empty except for Cyan who was just floating above the table with an empty vial sitting beside him. Tangle grabbed the vial and looked it over.

“Did Tails give this to you?”

Cyan nodded as Tangle sighed, setting the vial down and walking around to where she threw the can.

“Tails? Where are you? We need to have a little chat. Cyan, do you know where he is?”

Cyan pointed to the ground between Tangle’s feet. She looked down, only to find the can she had thrown to Tails.

“That’s a can genius.”

As she reached down to grab the can, she jumped back, startled as she noticed a yellow bug on top of the can.

“Eww, Tails! Clean this place up next time? You got bugs everywhere.”

She grabbed the can from the bottom, flipping the can over as she lifted it, causing the bug to fall off to the ground. Lifting her food and twisting it on her heel, she dropped it back down on the bug, grinding it into the ground.

“Come on Cyan, let’s go find Whisper.”

“Have you seen Whisper?”

Tangle was walking around the Resistance HQ, asking anyone she passed if they had seen the quiet wolf but most just shook there head, shrugged or asked, “Who?”

“Cyan, can you go see Amy, see if she knows anything? Surely she would know where everyone is.”

Cyan gave a military salute and took off down the corridor, turning left and right along the way to the Commander’s office. Giving it a bit of a nudge, Cyan managed to get the door open, floating on inside where Amy sat on her desk while Sonic laid back on her chair.

“Cyan? What are you doing here? Is Whisper with you?”

“I thought she was with you"=.”

Amy sighed, bringing her hand up to her cheek and shaking it.

“We need to ask Whisper if Tails can borrow her mask and recreate the module to communicate with Wisps.”

“Nah, it’s not that hard, he clearly said he’s hungry and wants a chilli dog and while you’re at it, get one for Sonic.”

Cyan began to shake its head violently before reaching out, grabbing both Amy and Sonic’s hand and trying to pull them towards the door, but in an instant, they both disappeared.

The Wisp began to look around the room, searching for the missing hedgehogs. He noticed something bouncing about on the table. Leaning in, he saw a tiny Amy, jumping up and down, waving her arms around whilst behind, on the chair, a tiny Sonic ran from one end to the other. It took a bit for each trip it looked like he was up too high to safely jump down.

Cyan was about to pick them up when the door swung open, startling the Wisp into floating up straight and acting like nothing had happened.

“What? Amy isn’t here either?”

Tangle strolled in; looking around the place to confirm that it was indeed empty.

“Where are we going to find Whisper now?”

Turning the chair to face her, Tangle spun on her toes and fell backwards into the seat. Cyan was about to shout but in an instant, all he could see was the tiny Sonic run in the opposite direction, unable to outrun Tangle’s rear as it collided with the seat.

“Get up! You just sat on Sonic.”

“I know buddy, I’m out of ideas too. Where else could we find Whisper?”

Tangle spun the chair towards the desk, leaning back as she threw her feet up on top. Amy barely avoided the plummeting heels as they smashed into the desk, but the shock wave they created compared to her tiny size sent her flying from her desk.

Cyan, noticing Tangle throwing her feet up on the table began to worry, leaning down and looking around the table for the tiny, pink hedgehog, but was unable to see her anywhere.

Between the two of them, Amy had managed a, soft landing on a field of grey. Even with the distortion her point of view was in due to her diminished size, she had seen it as she was launched; she was nestled deep into Tangle’s chest fur.

“What are you looking for? Wait, did I step in something?”

Tangle panicked, sitting up and leaning forwards to check under her shoes. Unknowingly though, her sudden upright position had forced Amy to slip from her chest, down the inside of her body suit. There was no easy way down for Amy as she fell through the Lemur’s, thick fur before bouncing off into the black fabric of her body suit, only to be launched right back into the thick of the fur.

It felt like falling through a tree and hitting every branch and it only got worse as Amy reached a narrowing area as the body suit began to tighten to Tangle’s body, causing the fur to be more condensed as Amy slipped deeper and deeper.

“Hey! There’s nothing there. You were just messing with me.”

Relieved, Tangle laid back again, lowering the angle of her body and tightening her suit. Amy however was pushed by the tightening fabric and landed onto flesh that she was no longer tumbling down, since it had flattened out a little from a vertical angle.

It was dim due to the dark fabric that surrounded her but the light directly above did manage to pierce the dark a little, making it just bright enough to see a small area around her. Strangely, she could see Tangle’s fur, something she has become much too accustomed to, but it looked like it was in the distance. It was almost like this was a clearing in her fur.

A warm and very strong scent suddenly wafted up into Amy’s nose. It was very strong and even with her hands pinching and covering her nose, she couldn’t stop the invading scent.

“Where is that smell coming from?”

The dim light began to fade as Amy looked up, noticing a dark shadow slowly surround her in darkness. I object above crashed down above her, striking the ground next to her, mere steps away from crushing her. However that was the least of her problems as the ground beneath her split open and Amy teetered on the edge and the ground spread further apart.

She was having trouble keeping her balance, especially with the scent becoming easily 10 times stronger as it blasted out from the opening. The ground itself began to shake, throwing Amy off her footing as she slipped on her rear and fell feet first down into the humid, odorous depths.

Tangle lowered her hand down between her legs and scratched a tickling itch that had started down there. When she could still feel it, she wiggled on her rear in the chair, feeling the itch subside. She was just about to relax when she felt the tickle return, however she felt it a bit deeper inside this time.

Trying to be inconspicuous with Cyan around, Tangle crossed her legs, squeezing them tightly together and feeling her itch being dealt with.

“When I’m lost and have no idea what to do, I talk to Jewel. Surely she would have an idea on how we can find Whisper.”

Tangle jumped off her seat, patting her rear down as she headed towards the door, unknowingly dislodging a blue speck she had sat on.

“Come on Cyan, we’re going back home.”

She took a step before turning back to Cyan.

“My home, not your home, just wanna make that clear.”

Tangle raised her arms as she stretched them, standing in the middle of the street and giving off a loud, relieved sigh.

“Back home again. You’ve been to Spiral Hill before right Cyan? I mean, of course you have and Whisper has been here so obviously you have too.”

Cyan and Tangle just stared at each other, blankly, neither wanting to say anything first. It wasn’t til a group of kids ran past; playing with a ball that the awkward silence was broken.

“Well, this is Jewel’s museum. If Whisper is around here, Jewel will know or at least tell me how I can find her. She’s smart like that.”

As Tangle entered the museum, Cyan snuck in behind her, narrowly avoiding getting caught in the door.

“Jewel? Are you here?”

Jewel responded from one of the rooms in the back.

“I’m in the back!”

As Tangle made her way towards the back rooms, Cyan took off ahead. Tangle didn’t seem to understand what was going on to the others. Honestly, it couldn’t work out why they were all becoming so small either but if this Jewel is meant to be so smart, maybe she’d be better to talk to.

Cyan turned the corner, finding the beetle lady right in front of her as he bumped into her, causing her to drop all the minerals she was carrying.

The smashing of some precious minerals and the clunks of rocks hitting the ground threw Tangle’s walk into a sprint as she ran around the corner, finding Cyan rubbing his head and a mess of broken exhibits on the floor.

“Cyan! Look what you’ve done.”

Cyan however wasn’t listening as he began to sift through the debris on the ground. As he lifted a small gemstone from the pile he noticed a small, shiny one, vibrating on its own. It took a moment before it uncurled and revealed itself to be a tiny Jewel who was shaking from fear.

“It's so obvious now! I'm the one that's causing everyone to shrink.”

“I’m sure Jewel won’t be upset if you apologize to her instead of me.”

Cyan rolled his eyes. Tangle did obviously not understand. Turning back to Jewel, he noticed the… bug sized bug was now missing.

“Ugh! Another one!”

Cyan turned and panicked as Tangle was swatting at a shiny, white bug that flew around her. Trying to get in between the two, Cyan began to worry that if Tangle was to accidentally make contact, she would also be in the same predicament.

Tangle was adamant about getting this bug as she swung her arms wildly, each time swiping at the bug but it just kept flying back, out of her reach before coming in closer again. Trying to out maneuver the creature, Tangle sent her tail around behind it. Once it was out of reach of her hands, her tail snapped at it, trying to grab it from the air.

Jewel was freaking out. Now an actual bug, she had flown up here to get Tangle’s attention, thinking her wings would be a benefit but it seemed she had thrown herself in danger and Tangle wasn’t going to let her go.

Each swipe of Tangle’s massive hands was easy enough to dodge. Those shows and movies seemed to somehow get it right, being so small; everything seemed to move a bit slower. Perhaps it was an increase in her reflexes that gave off this illusion. Regardless, as she backed up, out of reach of Tangle, she heard a rustle come from behind. Turning around, she narrowly was able to avoid Tangle’s tail as it grabbed at her.

Now backing up again as the tail snapped at her like a hungry snake, a couple of times nearly catching her, Jewel actually felt the brush of the thick fur on her. The tail seemed to be backing off a bit, still snapping at her but not making the effort to actually reach for her, more like it feinting her. She realized soon why as she backed up into a soft pad.

Turning on the spot, she was facing a giant pair of lips that spread into a sinister looking grin.


“Wait Tangle! It’s m-”

Before Jewel could finish that sentence, Tangle opened her mouth and snapped forward, entrapping her in her humid maw. Eating bugs wasn’t a normal thing she did, it was just one of those, natural instincts that came with being a lemur, like when she’s walking around the fields and might see some sheep people eating the grass.

“Don't eat that! It's Jewel!”

Using her tongue to toss the bug around and pin it under the muscle, Tangle managed to get out a, somewhat coherent sentence.

“Dun te en ee bo e. Be ween you n e.”

Cyan was pacing, if you consider floating in circles pacing as Tangle felt her prey slip out from under her tongue. She managed to snap her teeth shut before it could escape and felt it bump into her teeth from the inside. What’s more is it seemed to constantly bump up against her teeth, trying to force them a part or smash through them. It was pretty smart for a bug but there was only so much fun she could get out of messing with it.

Jewel was ramming herself against the inside of Tangle’s teeth, hoping that it would be uncomfortable enough for Tangle to just open her mouth and let her out. She knew what Tangle did with bugs back when they were kids. Not all the time, it wasn’t an obsession and she was smart enough to not do it in front of Jewel, being a bug and all but she was never really sneaky enough to not get seen.

She was afraid Tangle might still do what she used to and needed to get out now. She slammed into the teeth, still rattling herself more than Tangle but she tried again and again. Nearly exhausted, she flew back a bit more, nearing the edge of Tangle’s throat. She had to be careful though, the humidity and saliva was making flying very hard and if she was to suddenly drop, she wouldn’t be getting out of her friend at all.


She shouted, charging at full speed. Eyes shut and shoulder out, she was waiting for that painful barge against solid teeth but instead, softly collided with the tongue. Tangle’s tongue had curled up between her and the teeth, catching her in her charge.

“No! Wait!”

Jewel couldn’t get out. Now wrapped in Tangle’s tongue, her body was completely drenched in saliva and her wings were unusable. The tongue however wasn’t content with just stopping her in her tracks; it rose up, curving like a slide, forcing Jewel down it towards the darkness of the throat.

Reaching out and trying to grab onto anything she could, Jewel was unable to even slow herself down as she slide off the back of her friend’s tongue. Spreading her appendages though, she was able to brace herself directly over the sphincter down. Her shoes dug into the soft flesh whilst her hands pushed against the back of the tongue to lodge herself.

The area around her began to convulse as Tangle tried over and over again to swallow her down. She had managed to prevent that but she wasn’t sure how long she could hold it. Either she’d give in first and fall or Tangle would cough her out. It seemed like neither would happen as Jewel felt a tug on her wings.

Through all the convulsing around her, the throat had managed to barely grab onto her drooping wings. She tried to retract them into her shell, but the heavy saliva had weighted them down and now, she was caught. Each time Tangle swallowed, she’d be pulled a little closer, her hands slipping bit by bit.

It wasn’t long until she felt the sphincter on her back, opening up in an attempt to suck her in.

“Tangle! Please don’t eat me!”

That was the last she could get out as one more swallow later forced her hands to slip as she fell head first into the open throat. Her screams were muffled as her legs flailed in the air, swinging wildly as the sphincter opened up and they too slipped past the muscle as it closed up for good.

“That one was a fighter. I almost feel bad now.”

Tangle swallowed once more, sending her prey down into her chest, disappearing behind her clothing.

“Come on Cyan, we still haven’t found Jewel yet.”

Reaching out for the wisp, Cyan avoided her, knowing what would happen should they connect. She attempted again but Cyan flew over her, heading for the entrance of the museum.

“Wait! Where are you going?”

Just as Cyan reached the door, it swung open as Whisper entered.

“Oh, there you are. I’ve been searching.”

Cyan stopped in its tracks, pulling back as Whisper reached out.

“What’s wrong?”

The wisp continued to back up as Whisper stepped closer. Keeping its eyes on Whisper, Cyan didn’t notice Tangle coming up from behind as she wrapped her tail around him.


In an instant, Tangle disappeared and all that was left in front of Whisper was Cyan. She turned her mask from the side of her head onto her face.

“What happened? Where’s Tangle?”

“She’s down there.”

Cyan floated down to the ground, pointing at a small creature jumping up and down. Whisper leaned down, the eye in her mask whirled as it zoomed in on the tiny Tangle.


Although Whisper was still whispering, her voice was as loud as if she was speaking normally to the tiny Lemur. Whisper removed her mask, taking it off and sliding it into her cloak and looked down on the Lemur. Although not as magnified, she was big enough to see without her mask.

“Are you ok?”

Whisper’s gloved paw hovered over Tangle as she expertly pinched her between the claws of her gloves, lifting her shrunken friend up and dropping her into the palm of her other glove.

She could see Tangle moving about on her palm, but couldn’t hear her. Raising her palm to ear, she hoped her sensitive hearing could pick up what she was saying but Tangle was still too small to hear. The only other option would have been to push her into her ear but she was sure she’d get tangles in her fur or lost down her ear canal.

“Let’s go see Tails. Maybe he knows how to fix this.”

“Actually, I think Tangle crushed him…”

Unfortunately, without Whisper’s mask on, she didn’t hear Cyan. She was a bit too preoccupied with figuring out what to do with Tangle. She patted her chest and the sides of her pants with her free hands but realised she lacked any pockets. She looked down at Tangle, looked down at her chest and back at Tangle. Although small, Whisper could swear Tangle knew what she was thinking and was shaking her head in a way to say no.

“Sorry Tangle. Don’t have any pockets.”

Whisper tilted her hand, causing a frantic Tangle who desperately tried to grip on to slip, falling safely in Whisper’s chest. Landing softly on Whisper’s breast, Tangle bounced off, landing on the other before bouncing back until she landed right between the two.

“Whisper, I don’t think this is very safe…”

It was pointless to try talking to her. If she couldn’t hear her right in front of her ear, hearing her from between her breasts was definitely not going to happen. She could see Whisper’s face from above, staring down at her to confirm she was safe.

“Don’t move too much. Might slip.”

Trying to keep her chest out in order to prevent as much swaying as possible, Whisper exited the Museum with Cyan right behind her. Unfortunately, her plan for Tangle didn’t work out so well. As soon as she started to walk, her breasts began to rub together, smothering Tangle in her soft fur.

“Whisper! Stop!”

Tangle began to slip, pulled down between the breasts until the light above was sealed away from her. She tried to grip onto any of the fur that surrounded her but any time she grabbed hold of anything, the smothering of Whisper’s breasts would just force her down and the fur would slip from her hands.

She felt her lower half being relieved of the pressure of Whisper’s body, it was relieving until she realised why. Before she could get a grip anywhere, Tangle fell, falling past the chest and sliding down on Whisper’s belly. There was a pit in her path, Whisper’s belly button. It threw Tangle into a tumble as she slid into the pit, bouncing out and beginning to tumble the rest of the way.

The light was dim under the shirt, alerting Tangle that she was no longer under Whisper’s shirt as she was surrounded by light as she fell between Whisper’s legs. Tangle could make out the swinging pillars of Whisper’s legs and knew that if she didn’t do something, Whisper was going to be out of reach and she’d plummet to her death.

Throwing out her tail, Tangle managed to stretch it out far enough to just hook around Whisper’s knee, retracting it to pull herself closer to Whisper and stop her falling. As she swung into Whisper’s leg, her tail lost its grip on Whisper and she fell again, this time sliding down the leg rather than free falling.

“Oh no, that’s not good…”

Right ahead of Tangle was the opening of Whisper’s boot. With no way to stop or divert herself, Tangle fell into Whisper’s boot, rolling off the top of her foot and sliding right between Whisper’s fur. It felt similar to being between her breasts but these two felt smaller, firmer and, Tangle covered her nose.

“What is that smell?”

She didn’t really need to ask. Down Whisper’s boot, trapped between two, what she could only guess is her toes. Placing each hand on each toe, Tangle pushed, trying to dislodge herself, instead, she seemed to have tickled her prison. The toes that had her pinned began to shift, rubbing together and tightening around Tangle.

Tangle was sure she was going to end right here. She was sure she was about to be crushed at the waist, instead, she slipped, much like before, she slipped deeper between the toes. Along with the swinging of the boots from each step and the wiggling of her toes made Tangle quickly fall out beneath. Her back splattered into soaked layer of padding as she fell out from between Whisper’s toes and into the sole of her boots but that wasn’t all she had to deal with. Along with the more intense smell of the sweaty sole directly under her, each step Whisper made forced her foot down on the tiny Lemur.

Step after step, Whisper’s toe would press down on her, pushing her into that soaked sole which was luckily softened enough to prevent her exploding into a smear, but it prolonged the torture of being trapped in there and it was a long way back to HQ.

Whisper entered the lab, looking around but the room looked completely empty.

“Tails? Are you here?”

There was no response although she was used to it, mostly due to people not hearing her. She saw a can sitting on the table nearby, grabbing it; she noticed it was still cold. Feeling a bit parched, she pulled up a chair and sat down, lifting her foot up on her leg. She’s had a tiny rock in her boot the whole walk over, she was getting over it.

Tangle was unable to avoid the torment of her unaware friend. If she ever managed to pass out from the lack of air or intense stench, she’d be forced back conscience from the pounding she got from Whisper’s toe. For a time, Whisper seemed to have stopped; the pounding weight on her had stopped, at least for the time being. Perhaps she could finally pass out until it was over, instead her world tilted, holding her nearly upside down.

Everything shifted and a heavy rustling of Whisper’s fur being moved about erupted from all directions. Light finally shined on her and fresh air filled her lung. She tried to get up but found that with the mixture of time, pressure and sweat, Tangle was stuck to the underside of Whisper’s toe, unable to peel herself free.

Her chest, arms, legs and the cheek on her face were glued to the padded toe and no matter how much she pushed or pulled; she couldn’t even free a finger. The only thing she could freely control was her tail; however the fur on it had matted down from all the sweat it had managed to soak up. It was heavy and hard to control, but she could make out a table right beside her. Her tail stretched out, grabbing onto the corner, holding it as tight as she can while trying to retract herself off of the toe.

Whisper pulled her boot off her foot, tilting it and slapping the bottom to knock out the loose debris inside, oddly enough nothing fell out. She had a peek inside but her sensitive nose prevented her from looking any closer. Shrugging it off, she put her boot back down and moved her foot to put it back on, feeling a pinch on her toe. She lifted her foot back up and had a look but there was nothing there.

Instead of ripping herself from Whisper’s toe, Whisper’s toe ripped itself from her as Tangle was finally freed. Barely managing to keep her tail’s grip on the edge of the table, she swung from her prison, swaying back and forth until her momentum had run dry.

She was exhausted, sweaty and smelt terrible but still, one hand at a time, she climbed up her tail, reaching up for the top and pulling herself up before collapsing onto her back to breath. It was good to see light again, although it was short lived as a large shadow loomed over her, coming down at extreme speeds.

Tangle was barely able to murmur as Whisper placed her mask on the table, scanning the room for any sign of Tails. Unfortunately if he was here, he’s been long gone. Whisper reached into her chest, very carefully scooping a finger in between her breasts, trying to retrieve Tangle. When she retracted her finger though, there was no one there.

She looked right down at her chest, even pulling her breasts apart, still not seeing anyone. She began to gently pat her shirt, trying to feel for any sign she might be holding onto her fur somewhere. She looked back down her shirt before looking around, confirming no one was around. Gently, she pried her pants open, having a peek inside. Nothing, she was sure she would have felt something if she was there.

As Tangle was surrounded again, she slowly calmed down, realizing that it was just Whisper’s mask being placed over her. Something that could actually save her. Not too far from her was the eye piece of the mask. Feeling a bit more relaxed, Tangle used her tail to hook onto the grooves and lifted herself up.

Up in the mask, like the rafters of a roof, Tangle held herself in position. Rather than walking all the way to the eye piece and having no where to hold onto, she was going to wait til Whisper put the mask on, then dangle down right in front of her eyes. Her plan was working, so far.

Whisper grabbed the mask, placing it on her face as she used the scope of her mask to search the area for any sign of Tangle. Tangle however has miscalculated where on the mask she had set herself. Right in front of her were Whisper’s massive lips, her warm breath blasting over her like an industrial hair dryer. Her plan to safely lower herself in front of Whisper had turned into a dangerous climb to get in front of Whisper.

Still holding tightly to the mask where she could, she leaned out from the mask, peering up to her destination, the teal glass above. There was a ledge where the glass was implanted; perhaps she could just lift herself up there. Her tail, once more extended out and up, climbing along the inside of the mask, nearing the glass ring. Half way there however, a deep gust echoed around the mask. Unsure of what was happening; Tangle froze, afraid that she might be in more trouble.

She was as Whisper made a quick sniff. Although barely a second and barely noticeable to the silent wolf, to Tangle, it was like a giant vacuum that pulled Tangle’s insignificant tail out of her control, right into one of Whisper’s nostrils. Enough of Tangle’s tail was pulled in that it pulled her with it, throwing her off her position on the tail. Her fall became a swing as she swung, upside down, right into Whisper’s open mouth as she inhaled.

The suction from the inhale pulled Tangle deep into the cavernous maw. Her tail was pulled free and she flailed it wildly, trying to grab onto anything she could to stop her from being eaten alive. Her tail did manage to grab and even wrap itself around something; unfortunately that was Whisper’s fang. Tangle however had managed to stop herself, dangling right over the edge.

Her feet were planted into the back of the tongue, her body horizontal as she stared into the twitching throat. Freezing up, almost afraid to breath, although trying not to due to the strong smell of Whisper’s stomach wafting up from below, Tangle slowly steps backwards, trying to climb back up the tongue to a safe, horizontal plain.

Whisper however felt a tickle in her throat. Using her tongue, she felt around her mouth, feeling a hair stretched across the length of her mouth. Tangle was freaking out as Whisper’s tongue battered on her tail, throwing her off her footing and slipping backwards and sliding down the back of the tongue.

Her feet made contact with the throat and it greedily opened wide to receive her. Trying her best to retract herself, she instead got herself caught around the waist by the muscle, constantly trying to drag her down. Between trying to pull herself out by her tail, the tongue beating on it stopping her from being able to do anything but hold her grip and the convulsing of the throat, Tangle was in a loosing battle.

Whisper threw her head back, swallowing again, getting rid of that tickle in her throat, however she could still feel and taste the hair in her mouth. Pulling the mask off, she open her mouth and reached her fingers in, prodding around for it.

Tangle though was being pulled down, deeper and deeper, unable to retract herself so instead, stretching her tail out. She tried to just stop herself instead but the strength of the oesophagus was too much for her tiny form and she was sure her tail would rip right off before she could get out. The tight, constricting tunnel ended and a large, bile ridden cave.

Holding onto her tail like the last life line she had left, Tangle hung over what she could smell and hear was the bubbling of stomach acids, wanting food to digest. She knew her tail could stretch, she did test it to its limits but she wasn’t aware it was this capable. It was surely a new record, at least compared to her current size. All the way up the throat, it still held onto the fang, keeping Tangle out of danger.

Whisper rubbed her finger across each tooth, eventually reaching her fang and felt the coils of Tangle’s tail around it. Using her claw, she pushed down on it, pushing it off of her fang. With another claw right beneath her fang, she was ready to grab this hair and pull it out. The hair in question was being pulled tightly, more so than Whisper was aware. As soon as it slipped from the tooth, it was gone, out of reach of Whisper’s claws as it was pulled down her throat.

“Ugh. Salty hair.”

Deciding it was time to get some help, Whisper spread open her cloak as multiple Wisps flew out.

“Start looking for Tails. Cyan and I will look for Tangle.”

The four other Wisps exited the lab, heading off in different directions as Whisper turned to Cyan.

“Let’s search.”

Cyan wasn’t paying attention at all, more focused on figuring out how to tell Whisper about Tails. Unaware, Whisper reached out and tried to bump her fist with him. It was too late for Cyan to react before Whisper disappeared.

“Ah fuck me…”