title: Curiosity killed the pony aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [ArtisticFox] id: [8131544] date: 星期五, 八月 26日 2022, 10:48:43 上午 modified: 星期三, 八月 31日 2022, 5:09:57 下午
Curiosity killed the pony
Author: ArtisticFox Source: Curiosity killed the pony
The Spy who Shrank
“Comon! Lemme see!”
“No is no an’ that’s final!”
Rainbow Dash grunted and turned her back on Applejack. Applejack had been working on something in the barn and Rainbow Dash’s curiosity had got the best of her. She first noticed Apple Jack going into the barn quite often, always taking in her surroundings to make sure she wasn’t being watched. If she had looked into the clouds, she may have seen Rainbow Dash peering over them. Being the adventurous type she was, Rainbow Dash attempted to sneak into the barn, but was quickly stopped by Apple Jack. “What could you be doing in there that you don’t want anyone else to know about?” Apple Jack simply turned back to the barn and strolled inside, slamming the doors shut behind her and locking them, the metallic clank of the locks, audible from Rainbow Dash’s position. ‘Fine, if she isn’t going to tell me, I’ll find out myself’ Rainbow Dash thought as she took off, flying back towards Ponyville.
Rainbow Dash touched down in the centre of Ponyville only moments later. She raised her hoof to her chin and pondered ‘How can I get into that barn without Apple Jack noticing me? Maybe I can turn invisible? It’s gonna take some serious magic though to do something like that, and who better to do it than Twilight!’ With her mind made up, Rainbow Dash galloped off towards the Ponyville Library where Twilight resided. The tree that was the Library loomed around the corner. The door rushed up to meet her as she stampeded through, knocking it almost off its hinges. “MAKE ME INVISIBLE!” The sudden, abrupt entrance from Rainbow Dash threw Twilight off her chair; cause her books, all of which were neatly stacked on the table, to fly up into the air, landing with loud thuds on the floor. “Oh… Sorry bout that Twi.” Twilight rose up from behind the table, an open book sat on her head in a comical fashion. “What are you talking about?” Twilight inquired. “Can you use your magic to make me invisible?”
“No! Just temporarily until I can sneak into Apple Jack’s barn and find out what she’s been doing.”
Twilight tilted her head and lowered one brow. “Why would you want to do that?” Rainbow Dash ran up to the bench and jumped up on top of it. “Because she’s being secretive and I wanna know what’s up!”
“What if it’s something private and that’s why she’s being all secretive?”
“Then make me invisible, I’ll check it out and if it’s personal, I won’t tell anyone and she won’t even know I was there.”
Twilight sighed loudly as she pulled the book off from atop her head. “Oh? This is just the book I was about to look for.” She placed the book down onto the table as her horn began to emit a purple glow around it. The book itself too glowed the same purple glow as the pages flipped instantly, skimming through the book at an amazing pace. Once the last page was flipped, the pages began to turn backwards, going back through the book. The pages stopped instantly around half way through, where Twilight placed a hoof on top of the page. “I’ve looked through this entire book and the only thing here that can remotely get you close to Applejack without her knowing is this one spell, but it’s very dangerous.” Rainbow Dash started to shake her head. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight… In times like these, ya gotta think. What would Daring Do do?” Twilight sighed again. “I’m actually regretting talking you into reading them stories.”
“Comon Twi, zap me!”
“Don’t you want to know what the spell is first?”
“Time’s a wasting! I don’t have time to listen, if it works, it works.”
Twilight grumbled and aimed her horn at Rainbow Dash while keeping an eye on the book for instructions. She soon shut her eyes tightly as her horn began to glow brightly with the same purple aura as before. A burst of the purple aura shot out from Twilights horn, hitting Rainbow Dash in the chest, knocking her back into a book case. “Oh no!” Twilight screamed, racing up to the bookshelf where nearly all the books laid scattered across the floor in front. Using her magic, book after book was surrounded by her purple aura and lifted off from the ground, thrown behind her without any concern for where they may land. Her magic took hold of something that wasn’t a book, but it wasn’t quite Rainbow Dash either. She pulled out a small blue object from the pile of book, bringing it close to her eye to inspect it. “Twilight!? Why are you so big?” The tiny squeaks came from the small blue object. Twilight almost couldn’t hear it.
“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight could see tiny wings on the shrunken Pegasus, flapping madly in an impossible attempt of escaping her magic. Regardless, Twilight released her magical grasp on the pony, letting her fly in front of her face without her aid. “Oh wow! It worked!” The tiny squeaks came from Rainbow Dash as she looked herself over. Her tiny body was a mere inch tall, maybe even less. “I’ll be back later.” Rainbow Dash squeaked before taking off towards the window. “Wait!” Twilight screamed out, trying to hold her in her magic, but she couldn’t focus on Rainbow Dash. She was just too small for her to even see her in her current distance. It was barely 10 seconds since Rainbow Dash took off and already, Twilight wasn’t sure if she was still in the library or had already escaped through the window. Rainbow Dash on the other hoof was only half way from her starting position towards the window. As fast a flyer as she normally is, her diminished size made the length to travel that much further. To a bug, she might be fast, but to the average pony, she was just a fly really.
It took some time, but Rainbow Dash touched down on the window sill, looking out into the streets of Ponyville. Ponies, all at their normal size and oblivious to her walked past. “Alright! Time to get down to Apple Acres which is… on the other… side of town…” Rainbow Dash’s ears dropped as she realized her predicament. She now had to travel across the entire town to get to her destination. A simple, 10 seconds flat job for her average size, but at her new size, it will take her much longer and she wasn’t one for going slow. “No time to waste sitting around here.” Rainbow Dash leapt off the sill, taking flight. Barely a few seconds into the air did a large object collide with Rainbow Dash from beneath. It came out of nowhere, she hadn’t seen it coming. It threw her up into the air, causing her to plummet back down into a soft, pinkish surface.
“Hey Twilight!” Screamed Pinkie Pie as she leaned into the window. “Wanna come to a party at Sugar Cube Corner?” The sudden exposure to Pinkie Pie was unexpected to Twilight, especially as her concentration was on finding the shrunken Rainbow Dash. “Oh… Not right now… I’m… Busy with something really important.” Pinkie Pie lowered one brow. “Okie Dokie! I’ll bring you some cake!” Pinkie Pie turned as began to trot off when Twilight’s head was now hanging through the window. “Wait Pinkie Pie! I was looking for Rainbow Dash. She said she was going to Apple Acres. Can you see if she’s there or not?” Pinkie Pie turned to Twilight. “I was already on my way there to ask Apple Jack to the party anyway.” She turned back to the road and galloped off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.
‘Whew, what luck! An easy and quick ride directly to Apple Acres.’ Rainbow Dash thought as she laid back in Pinkie Pie’s bouncing hair. It was only a few minutes before Pinkie Pie began shouting again. “Apple Jack! You wanna come to a party at Sugar Cube Corner!?” Rainbow Dash peeked her head over Pinkie Pie’s hair, facing the closed door of the barn that Apple Jack only recently prevented her from looking in. It opened then and there as Apple Jack walked out to greet Pinkie Pie. “Sure thing.” She replied before closing the barn door again and following Pinkie Pie. “What were you doing in there?”
“Experimenting with some off-season cider. But don’t tell Rainbow Dash. Ya’ll know how much she loves the cider, she’ll be wanting to taste test each drop.”
“I Pinkie Pie promise I won’t tell her. By the way, Twilight wanted to know if she was here.”
“She was, but she took off long ago.”
Pinkie Pie shrugged and lead Apple Jack back to the party.
‘So that’s what she was up to… Hmm… Shrinking down kinda seems pointless now. I’ll have to get back to Twilight so she can reverse the spell.’ Rainbow Dash thought, trying to find an easy transport back. Perhaps she may as well sit tight. Pinkie Pie might return to Twilight to tell her what Apple Jack told her. Rainbow Dash kept her head over Pinkie Pie’s hair, making sure she could see where she was heading at all times. Ponyville loomed over her as the two ponies walked into the town from the outskirts of Apple Acres. Noises became slightly audible as they came closer to Sugar Cube Corner. Streamers and a banner hung around the entrance with balloon attached to the posts, tied down to prevent them from floating away. “What’s the occasion anyway?” Apple Jack asked as they reached the front door. “It’s a party for the sake of partying!” Pinkie Pie shouted, bouncing up and throwing Rainbow Dash off of her head. The jolt and throwing of her miniscule body caught her completely off guard. Rainbow Dash plummeted towards the floor, unable to slow her decent. Her wings opened up but she couldn’t even herself out. The floor was coming closer and the fear of such a painful crash as such a short height was not something she could possibly live with. Her wings straightened out and the wind that passed her got caught within her feathers, slowing her decent. At this point, she began flapping, turning her rapid decent into a quiet hover. “That was a close one.” Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief as she touched down on the floor.
“Comon in!” Pinkie Pie shouted from above and she bounced in. Rainbow Dash could see the bouncing pink pony as she leapt right over her, knocking the door wide open and bouncing in as if it were never there. With her attention on Pinkie Pie, she didn’t notice the danger until the ground below her had become a dark shadow. Looking up, she could see the base of Apple Jack’s hoof as it began to descend on her. Rainbow Dash gave a loud yell before galloping ahead, hoping to out run the mighty hoof. It was coming down fast and Rainbow Dash wasn’t sure if she could make it. Nearing the end of the shadow from above as the hoof was so close to Rainbow Dash that she could leap up and touch it, she leapt for safety. Something caught her in mid leap as she fell to ground. Spinning around on her back, she could see her tail, trapped under Apple Jack’s hoof. Although it seemed longer, barely even a second later, Apple Jack walked on into the building, taking her hoof off of Rainbow Dash’s tail. Regaining her freedom, there was only one thing she could do… Return to Twilight.
Sugar Cube Corner was only around the corner from the Library. Pinkie Pie had taken her across town and almost completely back within a fraction of the time it would have taken Rainbow Dash to travel. With flying being the fastest method for such a pony, Rainbow Dash took off, flying towards the Library. It should only take her 20-30 minutes or so, that was if she didn’t fly into any distractions. As soon as it was thought, turning the corner, expecting to see the Library, she instead came to see the face of Rarity. Halting her speed and trying to alter her course, she was startled by the screech being emitted from Rarity’s mouth. “Eww! What a gross looking bug!” Rarity raised a hoof and swung it at Rainbow Dash, narrowly missing her. That didn’t stop Rarity from a second attempt as she raised a hoof again. “Rarity, wait…” Rainbow Dash hadn’t noticed as her attention was on surviving Rarity, but Fluttershy was walking with Rarity.
“Please don’t hurt the little guy. Bugs are still creatures too.” Fluttershy squeaked in her attempt to calm her friend. Rarity gave a sigh and walked around Fluttershy to the other side, keeping her distance from Rainbow Dash. “Sorry darling. I just can’t stand bugs, especially so close to my face.” Fluttershy turned to Rainbow Dash and gave a gentle smile. “Fly free little guy and take care when turning around corners next time ok?” Rainbow Dash made a mental note to thank Fluttershy later, but right now, she had to get Twilight to reverse the spell before she really got into danger. Continuing her flight, it was only five minutes before she landed back on the window sill of the Library, back where she started.
“Twilight! I’m back! You can reverse the spell now!” Rainbow Dash yelled into the Library. She didn’t expect a response. The room was empty and her tiny voice was unlikely to be heard, even if there were. On the table however, was a mound of green grasses and flowers. At the sight of the food, Rainbow Dash’s belly began to growl, hungering for something to eat. Looking back around the room, there was defiantly no signs of others, let alone and noise to show someone was close. Flying into the room, Rainbow Dash took landing on the food, directly in the centre of the pile. Directly in front of her was a daisy, one of the tastiest of flowers in Rainbow Dash’s opinion. Grabbing it in her teeth, she greedily consumed it, chewing it to a fine mush before swallowing it. Rainbow Dash gave a sigh of relief as her stomach was satisfied with just the single flower. It was a lot larger than normal after all. Her satisfaction had made distracted her from another danger from above. A very large, but soft object came down on Rainbow Dash, smothering her up against the food.
Rainbow Dash squirmed and thrashed against the strong object as she felt her prison moving. “What’s going on!? Where am I!?” Rainbow Dash shouted, not hearing a response. There was a loud ‘Crunch’ sound before a low rumble coming from above. Rainbow Dash didn’t know what it was, but she began to panic a lot more. Then there was a sound that made Rainbow Dash freak out like her life was about to end. The unmistakable sound that can only come from one thing. A loud ‘Gulp’ echoed in her ears as her vision went white. Before she knew it, giant teeth pulled away more food directly from in front of her as Twilight’s face came into view as she grinded her mouth full to mush. “Twilight! Down here! Don’t eat me!” Her squeaks fell on deaf ears as a rather large bulge descended Twilight’s throat. Rainbow Dash was then thrust forward, moving closer and closer towards Twilight’s gaping maw, ready for another bite.
Inside, Rainbow Dash could see strands of saliva, dripping from the roof of her maw, remains of food, mashed up in corners of her mouth and spread across her salivating tongue. Twilight’s maw encapsulated Rainbow Dash. Hot, rancid air washed over her, threatening to suffocate her before she was eaten by her giant friend. Twilight’s teeth came down around Rainbow Dash, pulling her away from the remains of the food. Taking her onto her tongue, Twilight began to chew, pushing her food onto her molars and biting down. The saliva had made Rainbow Dash’s prison a soggy clump as it broke apart, freeing her. She leapt up from the food and flew as fast as she could towards the front of Twilight’s mouth. Her teeth came down, narrowly missing Rainbow Dash and taking off her head. Falling back in fear, she fell back onto the tip of Twilight’s tongue, sticking to it instantly. She struggled, but there was no chance of escape as she lay there, watching the boulder sized teeth, crushing the food around her to a fine paste. With it all ground up, the tongue dipped and rolled around Twilight’s maw, collecting all the food and lifting up onto itself. It scooped up a small deposit of food, pushing Rainbow Dash into it as it flung the food onto the pile, taking Rainbow Dash with it. Now instead of being stuck to the tip of the tongue, she was stuck to a pile of food that was being edged backwards, towards the open throat.
Rainbow Dash gave one last, useless scream as the food fell back and began its descent into Twilight’s stomach. The small bulge that contained Rainbow Dash was largely noticeable on Twilight’s neck as it travelled down, disappearing into her chest. A tight ring, stoped Rainbow Dash from moving on for a moment before quickly opening up, allowing her to slide right into Twilight’s murky stomach. Acids bubbled and a disgusting smell infiltrated Rainbow Dash’s nose. “Don’t panic, don’t panic!” Rainbow Dash screamed, flying up into the small air space of the stomach, keeping her distance from the acids that threatened to burn her alive. “Twilight will find out what happened to me soon, how could she not? I bet she’ll find a tracking spell, track me here and let me out. It’s just a matter of time right?”
Twilight gave a sigh as she finished her sandwich and looked out the window. “What’s wrong with you?” Spike asked as he walked by, carrying a pile of scrolls. “Oh, I’m just worried about Rainbow Dash… but… I guess she is strong… She can take care of herself… still…” She turned back to look out the window. “Where could you be?”