title: Study Break aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [ArtisticFox] id: [9636836] date: 星期五, 八月 26日 2022, 10:48:43 上午 modified: 星期三, 八月 31日 2022, 5:04:12 下午
Study Break
Author: ArtisticFox Source: Study Break
The unicorn’s eyes slid side to side as they read the words imprinted on the parchment below. These new spells he was taking in were taking its toll on his mind as it was slowly becoming heavy and tired. His hooves came to his eyes as they rubbed the sleep from them, looking back down to his tome and reading again.
“How much longer must we study these old books?” The tired unicorn, known as Deasly asked his mentor who looked up from his own book.
“The night is still young and we have plenty to learn from these tomes. Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’m going to gather some more books. You keep reading.” The purple stallion stood up from the table, trotting off down one of the isles, looking at all the other books they had yet to even touch.
Deasly groaned and slammed his head into the book, tired and bored with his studies. They had both been at it for the past four hours, reading books of spells over and over again. His eyes had become heavy and slowly began to shut as his vision focused on a couple of words in the center of the book. He tried to keep himself awake but quickly gave it, shutting his eyes as he fell into a deep sleep with his face in the books.
DawnChaser, the purple stallion who was Deasly’s mentor came back to the table, another seven books in levitation by his head, surrounded in his purple aura. “Deasly, I’ve found some new spells that might be…” His attention fell on his sleeping apprentice, snoring quite loudly with his muzzle in the pages. A grin crossed DawnChaser’s lips as an idea came to mind.
DawnChaser snuck up behind the sleeping stallion, standing up on his hind hooves right behind him, fore hooves up in the air, posed to strike. His hooves came down, slamming on Deasly’s shoulders quite hard.
“HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE A FOUL IN TRAINING TO REACH THEIR MAGICAL LIMIT!?” DawnChaser shouted in Deasly’s ear, trying to surprise him into a question to keep him on his hooves.
Deasly however had his own surprise for DawnChaser as well as himself as he awoke, startled.
“AH!” He exclaimed as his horn immediately glowed with his aura and a flash took in both of them.
DawnChaser was first to regain his sight, rubbing his eyes with his hooves to see a blurry vision ahead. He focused a little better, seeing Deasly, asleep again.
“For ponies’ sake. Wake up!” DawnChaser nudged Deasly with his hoof, startling Deasly into waking up again.
“Huh? What…” Deasly was having a tough time trying to stay awake, being so tired and now, so spent.
“You were asleep when you should have been studying.” DawnChaser picked him up onto his hooves.
“Now get back to your books and start…” His sentence trailed off when he turned towards the table, but had to start looking up when he noticed the table was far above them.
“Why would you shrink us? Now of all times.”
“It’s not my fault… You were the pony who tried to scare me.”
“I tried to wake you up, now, we’ve wasted enough time standing around here, grow us back to our original size so we can keep studying.” Deasly lowered his horn and concentrated. It began to glow with his aura once more but soon fizzled out with a couple of sparks as he collapsed on the ground.
“I can’t… I’m too tired and casting the spell when you startled me has drained me.” DawnChaser let out a sigh as he slapped his hoof to his face.
“Fine… We’ll just find somepony who can help us.” As if somepony heard his plan and came to help, the doors swung open as two figures stood in front of the door.
“Are you sure we can come in here and study so late?” The smaller one of the figures asked.
“Yes Twilight Sparkle… There were meant to be two stallions already in here studying, we are fine to join them.” The large replied. Twilight clapped her hooves together in excitement.
“This is like a dream… studying all night in the Canterlot library.” She immediately began trotting inside, making a B line towards the stack of dusty old tomes that littered the table already.
“Watch out!” DawnChaser shouted, pushing Deasly over onto his back before leaping backwards himself as one of Twilight’s hooves slammed down right where Deasly stood a moment ago.
“Pay attention. No apprentice of mine will be smeared on a hoof if I can help it.”
“I can take care of myself.” Deasly responded, lifting his nose in a fit. As if testing that theory, DawnChaser had to leap onto Deasly, tackling him over to the side as another hoof, this one wearing a metal shoe came down, nearly squishing him flat again.
“I’ll give you that one…” Deasly admitted begrudgingly as DawnChaser stood over him.
“Come on. Maybe we observe them from our small statue, learn a thing or two.” DawnChaser wrapped a hoof around one of Deasly’s, lifting him up onto his own hooves as he pulled Deasly towards the table.
“I don’t think that’s such a great idea… Maybe we should just hide out against the walls. I’ll regain my strength soon and I’ll make us big again.”
“Don’t waste a good opportunity. You’re my apprentice and observing we shall go.” Deasly couldn’t fight against him anymore. DawnChaser still had energy whereas Deasly was still drained.
“Thanks again Princess Luna for taking me in personally to learn under you during the night.”
“My sister can teach you much Twilight Sparkle but she has her limits during the night.” Luna levitated a book, from the stack that DawnChaser had just gathered, over to Twilight as she dove into the already open book Deasly was sleeping on.
Below, DawnChaser and Deasly were running between their chairs. Luna’s hooves were flat on the ground but Twilight, being younger and overwhelmed with excitement over the events unfolding, was swinging her hooves just above the ground.
“Alright, stay right behind me” DawnChaser trotted towards Twilight’s hooves, timing his moment as they swung back and forth. Keeping the motion to time like a metronome, ticking side to side in his head as the hooves swung side to side in front of him. Getting ready, he galloped across, barely avoiding the first hoof as he stopped between the swinging hooves. Preparing himself again, he leapt from his position, clearing the last hoof as it swung around, almost kicking him off whilst in mid-air.
“Now you…” DawnChaser turned around to find Deasly gone.
“Oh no… Don’t tell me he got stepped on.” A tiny rock, a small pebble at their size, fell by DawnChaser, almost hitting him on the head.
“What the..?” He looked up to find Deasly, looking down on him from the top of the table.
“How did you get up here so fast?” DawnChaser asked as Deasly helped him up over the top of the table.
“I went by Luna’s hooves to the leg on the other side of the table… She wasn’t and doesn’t swing her hooves.” DawnChaser frowned before getting up onto his hooves.
“Good observation my apprentice… Pass my tests like that and you’ll have your own apprentice soon enough.” Deasly rolled his eyes as they turned back to the two giant ponies, studying in the books they were meant to be studying in.
“What now?” Deasly asked looking up at Twilight as her large eyes scanned the pages. A light blush spread across Deasly’s face, having admired Twilight for some time now.
“Now… We watch.” DawnChaser took refuge behind a book, peeking out beside it to watch as Twilight studied before racing to the other side of the book to observe Luna.
Twilight’s stomach growled to which she covered her stomach with her hooves as she looked shyly at Luna.
“Sorry… I kind of missed dinner today.” Luna smiled down to her.
“Not to worry.” Her horn glowed for a moment and the doors swung open, a guard raced in levitating a silver platter with two plates and two cups on top.
“As you requested Princess Luna.” The guard announced as he bowed before her, laying the platter down on an empty space on the table. He had to look around for a moment before he managed to find one. He took off straight after, shutting the doors behind him as he left.
Luna levitated a plate with a Daffodil and Daisy sandwich towards her, followed by a cup of tea. The dark blue aura that enveloped the food was quickly replaced by a purple one as Twilight laid her plate down on an empty space beside her.
“Thank you Princess.” Twilight smiled at her nightly mentor before diving right back into the book she was already reading, levitating the sandwich to her maw to take a bite as her eyes kept focus on the page.
“Deasly…” DawnChaser called over, beckoning him with his hoof. Deasly dropped his head and wandered over.
“What is it?”
“Deasly, climb up onto the top of this pile of books and document details of a higher vantage point.” Deasly sighed at DawnChaser’s plans but had no choice but to follow as he made his way up the stack of books before pulling himself up upon the top.
DawnChaser remained below, running from side to side, observing the mares from the table top while Deasly observed from atop a stack of a dozen books. The height difference did change the perspective, but Deasly had nothing but mental notes to make as he didn’t have any parchment, let alone a quill in which to document. Before he could realize it, the book he sat on began to rise. He panicked for a moment, getting onto his hooves as he begun to move towards Twilight. He was in instant awe, getting so close to the purple mare but she was unaware of him still as her eyes remained focused on the book ahead. The book he stood on stopped just in front of her face as Deasly blushed, being so close to Twilight.
Twilight finished reading the last page and closed the book with her magic, sending it off to an empty space that would soon become a pile of finished books. She opened up the new book she just picked up, stopping for a moment when she thought she heard something.
“Princess Luna? Did you hear something?” Luna just looked at her and shrugged before going back to her own reading. Twilight shrugged off the feeling too and lowered the book to the table and began reading again.
Deasly yelled out as the book swung open, flinging him off to the side, throwing him off the book entirely. He was spinning out, unable to see where he was going until he hit it. A splash echoed through his ears as he slowed his descent quickly, finding himself floating in a dark liquid. He quickly circled around, taking in his bearing before finding the surface and making haste towards it. He broke the surface, quickly looking around to find out where he was. The liquid had flooded his tongue and it tasted a lot like… tea? Deasly wanted to slap himself with his hoof but he’d start to sink if he attempted it. He obviously was flung from the book and into Twilight’s cup of tea. He wasn’t too worried though. DawnChaser would help him out.
“Hold on Deasly!” DawnChaser shouted as he broke out from cover and dashed across the table between the mares, each unaware of the tiny stallion. Luna levitated her own sandwich to her maw as she bit into the soft bread. Her teeth came down before the head of a Daisy, severing it from the stem which remained inside her maw but allowing the head of the flower to fall towards the table. DawnChaser was all focused on saving his apprentice, he didn’t notice the flower head fall from above, falling directly on top of him. The pedals of the flower surrounded him, blocking off any escaped. He pressed his hooves to the pedals but his miniscule size was just too small, even against such a weak object.
“Princess, you’re making a mess.” Twilight pointed out, pointing her hoof at the Daisy head. She giggled a little as her magic surrounded the cup of tea and brought it to her lips. Luna surrounded the flower in her aura, lifting it up from the table, leaving a perfectly clean space once again as she opened up the sandwich and dropped the flower back in the center where it wouldn’t fall out. Twilight tilted the cup, downing most of the tea into her maw, swallowing it as it carried itself inside.
Deasly, although used to being eaten, was still not too enthusiastic about being a meal for the purple mare. He swam through the current, against all odds as the cup tipped into Twilight’s lips, pouring the contents out into her vast maw. Deasly could see inside, the details of her maw, the indents of her teeth, her undulating throat that throbbed with each swallow of tea. He neared the rim, his hooves kicking off from the porcelain just as it began to tip back to its original position. Deasly sighed in relief, knowing he just avoided being swallowed alive, but now was stuck in a half empty cup of tea with absolutely no chance of escape unless DawnChaser had a plan up his hoof.
DawnChaser squirmed in the tight grip of the sandwich as the magic aura Luna cast around it gently squeezed it together. Luna swallowed her mouthful before bringing the sandwich to her maw again, taking in another bite. DawnChaser would have leapt back in fright if he had any room to leap as the giant teeth of Luna’s maw closed around the sandwich just in front of him as they pulled away, taking a chunk with them. DawnChaser observed Luna’s motions as she chewed her food, grinding its remains to mush before swallowing. He watched closely at the lump the slipped down her throat before it disappeared behind her collar. DawnChaser was taking mental notes, remembering he had to write all this down once they got back to size. The issue that Luna’s maw closed around him now didn’t seem to affect his train of thought as the tongue lifted underneath him, pushing her new chunk of food away from the remains and pulling it further into her maw.
Saliva soaked the sandwich, making it soggy and began to mould around DawnChaser, sealing him within a mushy ball of dough and flowers. Luna chewed on her snack, her teeth seeming to clamp in the perfect places, just around DawnChaser, avoiding him but smashing the wet dough together with her teeth to seal him inside more. Within a few seconds, DawnChaser was trapped within the remains of the sandwich which laid upon Luna’s tongue which she casually swung back, swallowing her new bite down into her throat. The throat gripped DawnChaser and worked him down. It rippled around him, squeezing the cocoon he was in, into him as he finally hit the sphincter to the stomach. His small prison was pushed through, the tightness of the sphincter tearing a gap in the side of DawnChaser’s soggy prison as it fell through the thick air, landing in a pool of acids inside Luna’s stomach. DawnChaser poked his head through the little tear, breaking it open enough to climb out and stand on top of the remains of the sandwich as he stood in the middle of Luna’s acidic chamber.
Deasly awaited DawnChaser’s rescue but it never came. He came concerned for him but soon, his concern came back to himself as the cup lifted again and began to tip into Twilight’s lips again. He attempted outswimming it again, but quickly gave up when he realized this was going to be Twilight’s last sip as she tilted the cup upright, draining every drop out into her maw. Deasly fell between her open lips, past her thick teeth and splashed into the tea once again, but this time the cup was in a pony’s maw. She sealed her mouth and swished her tongue through the tea. Deasly let out a ‘Yelp’ as the tongue rose up from beneath; lifting him up and throwing him up into the air for him to splash back down into the saliva mixed tea.
Quite soon Twilight tilted her head, opened her throat and allowed her drink to drain quickly into her oesophagus. The current took Deasly with it, swirling him around the throat as a sort of whirlpool had formed before he spun out into the center and shot down into Twilight’s body with the rest of the tea. He tried to squirm against the tight muscles but the tea surrounding him only made to swirl him around as he slipped further and further down into the mare. If someone were to be staring at him from outside, they would see the lump he was trapped in; disappear behind her chest right about now. Deasly spurted out from the oesophagus and into the sea of tea that pooled up in Twilight’s stomach.
Deasly pouted as he tried to stay afloat, deep within Twilight, as his face began to go red with embarrassment. This wasn’t exactly what he wanted when he wanted to be close to her. He did think back to DawnChaser. He was bound to come up with a plan of getting him out before her stomach pushed him out onto the next part of his intestinal tour.
DawnChaser looked around the stomach as the smell invaded his nose from the scent of the digesting foods, mixed with the acids and tea. He put a hoof to his nose to block the scent.