title: "Gloria's Accidental Micro Mashing" aliases: [] tags: [FA] author: [Dipdoo] id: [51313026] date: 星期五, 三月 10日 2023, 7:21:51 晚上 modified: 星期五, 三月 10日 2023, 7:25:55 晚上
Gloria's Accidental Micro Mashing
Author: Dipdoo Source: Gloria's Accidental Micro Mashing
Gloria had been away from home for quite a while, but the slow trickle of micros who heard of the gator’s home didn’t slow in the slightest.
So, as she arrived home again, even grumpier than usual, many of the new micros didn’t know what kind of mistake they were making. They were clueless as to what to do as she removed her shoes and set them by the door, her socks being peeled free from her feet between steps as she headed for the kitchen.
The devious leader of these wayward micros had tricked all of his followers into gathering on the kitchen floor, where a healthy amount of crumbs were scattered in a sort of makeshift feast. He had planned for this feast to devolve into micro-mashing mayhem, and the massive gator had arrived just in time as he nestled himself against the bottom of a kitchen counter.
She turned the corner with one step and slapped a foot down on the tile with another, fully alerting all the gathered micros to the danger they were in. Immediately, many of them started to scatter, fleeing from Gloria’s path as her freshly aired out stompers smacked against the tile, leaving steaming footprints behind.
Her thick, slick stompers carried her natural smell, but even that was more than enough to send most micros into a haze. One of the bolder tinies had just finished a determined run towards her, standing as tall as his miniscule form would allow while waving and shouting at the top of his lungs. The macro milf didn’t hear a thing as one hand scratched at her chin while a foot swung forward, its heel landing right in front of the little guy.
He tried to turn and run, but all his scampering resulted in was a place under her sole rather than her arch. PLAP-squish! He was stuck firmly in place, a crumb smashed alongside him.
Her next footfall claimed a running couple, holding hands as they tried to escape. They too would be shown their proper place, stuck to Gloria’s sole. A pair of panicked squeaks sounded out as they were plastered in place by her weight as her walk continued.
Time seemed to slow for the dastardly leader of the micros that sat and watched. They reveled in every panicked shout, desperate scream, thooming stomp, and wet splat as his unwitting followers were practically fed to the unaware gator’s hefty feet.
There were only a scant few stragglers that escaped her walk to the fridge. Her feet finally stopped as she flung it open with one hand and gripped the countertop with the other while leaning around to peer inside.
He was given a perfect seat to both watch and listen to the immediate aftermath. Her toes were so close he could lunge towards them. But he would keep control of himself as he watched her lean onto her right foot, her already massive sole spreading to cover a bit more ground as it conformed with the weight channeled into it. All while the tinies stuck under that foot were subjected to forces so much greater than them that they couldn’t even begin to comprehend it.
Their minds were compacted into mush in perfect sync with the flattening of their bodies. A small cacophony of groans and moans reached his ears, making him shiver and shake with pleasure. Then came a growing wave of sound. SPLLUUURRT!!!
Every tiny under that foot had just been pressed paper thin right in front of him, and he had to bite his lip so hard it was about to bleed to keep himself from jumping up and sacrificing himself to her waiting toes.
A hand would suddenly jutted out from beneath the first toe of her other foot then, alongside some muffled cries for help. He was frozen in place, watching with shock as the arm flailed around. Just as he was about to reach forward, all of the toes on that foot lifted for only a second before it inched forward, pulling a muffled scream from the owner of that arm as it disappeared. Her toes scrunched tight against the ground a moment later.
He only got a peak at the half-flattened bear that was pleading for help, but now he was made to listen to that toe-trapped micro wheeze and groan as Gloria slowly applied more and more pressure to that itch she felt. It wasn’t long before the groaning turned to whimpering that would be swiftly silenced by a sudden SPLUT!
The leader’s jaw was stuck open as his hands shivered and scalp tingled. It sure seemed like Gloria was aware of the micros her feet were flattening. B-But maybe that was just a coincidental s-squashing…?
Her right foot finally left the ground a moment later, but she slowly, gradually peeled it up, heel first. The slow, wet schlliiick that sounded out from it made the orchestrator of this whole event shudder and moan.
There was a strong sense of dread that blended with his lust as Gloria walked over to the sink and turned the faucet on. He stood up and shimmied along the counter’s bottom until he was between the front of her feet again.
The foot with many micro stickers smashed under it lifted up the moment he reached his destination. It idly shifted behind her other foot to scratch at the back of its heel with her toes before swinging back to where it was. But only its heel touched down again, the rest of her foot stayed angled up from the ground slightly as it slid forward. That slide stopped when her toes pressed against the wood only a handful of inches above the tiny peeper.
He gawked at the view, shocked and awed. Half a dozen flattened bodies littered just her sole, and her toes had claimed a female feline, half of her flattened under the gator’s third toe while the other half was caught by her fourth.
His jaw quivered as he spotted the only person her heel had caught. There was only an unrecognizable splotch, colors and features smeared away. “Th-that’s s-so… mmmph!”
He wasn’t aware of when his limbs started acting on their own, only that they had. And that realization came a few moments too late as her sweat-slicked toes started to slip from their place on the wood. On his hands and knees, he would turn around to see that he wasn’t going to be able to escape his fate. So he threw himself onto his back, spread his limbs out wide, and looked up.
The bottom of her sole and the top of her arch awaited him, his legs pointing towards her toes as he braced for impact.
But there was no resisting her foot as it plapped onto him, giving his already burgeoning cock the last bit of stimulation it needed to finally pop. His lust-addled mind was running wild long before she had even touched him. Now it soared as his climax continued for much longer than it should’ve.
Gloria didn’t even have much weight on him, her left foot bearing most of it as another slow chorus of groans and moans sounded out again, followed by a sudden SQUICK as she flattened all those micros at once with a sudden jolt of pressure.
The only one with his third dimension still intact let out a shuddering scream before the multi-sensory overload took its toll on him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out under her right foot as his rod shot out one last glurp. Luckily for him, he wouldn’t be turned into a sticker like the others thanks to his unique position under her, his legs bearing most of the massive gator’s weight. But when he woke up, she would have quite the interesting conversation with the conniving little horndog.